Flagship lectures | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Flagship lectures

The National Library is the proud home of several annual and bi-annual lectures, where leading creative minds and writers are given a platform to explore topics and projects that are close to their heart.

Our flagship lectures are made possible by the generous support of our donors.

White text reading 'Ann Moyal Lecture' on a teal background
Ann Moyal Lecture

The Ann Moyal Lecture is given by a distinguished speaker on a contemporary question that draws on such fields of knowledge as science, environment, ecology, history, anthropology, art, and technological change.

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White text reading 'Kenneth Myer Lecture' on a teal background
Kenneth Myer Lecture

The Kenneth Myer Lecture invites an eminent Australian to make a significant statement on a broad subject of interest to them.

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White text reading 'Seymour Biography Lecture' on a teal background
Seymour Biography Lecture

The Seymour Biography Lecture provides eminent life writers with an opportunity to explore the business and craft of biography, autobiography or memoir.

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White text reading 'Ray Mathew Lecture' on a teal background
Ray Mathew Lecture

The Ray Mathew Lecture supports and promotes Australian writing.

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White text reading 'Eric Rolls Memorial Lecture' on a teal background
Eric Rolls Memorial Lecture

The Eric Rolls Memorial Lecture highlights the work of Australia’s environmental scientists and writers.

Information article
Page published: 08 Jan 2025

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