Copies and loans | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Copies and loans

The National Library is a reference library, meaning you're welcome to use our collection items onsite in our reading rooms but you can't borrow them to take home.

You can use your library card to print, copy and scan in the reading rooms.

If you can't make it to the Library we have copying and interlibrary loans services for individuals and for libraries.

For individuals

Buy copies

Order digital copies of items in our collection to view on your own device using at Copies Direct. Learn more about how to buy copies.

Interlibrary loans

Our interlibrary loan service can be used by individuals to request material from other libraries to view onsite at the National Library in Canberra. The material must be used in the Main Reading Room at the Library. For more details, see Borrowing from another library.

Individuals can also request interlibrary loans of some material held by the National Library for use at their local or research library. As this is a service provided between libraries, public users must place requests through their local or research library’s interlibrary loan service. Note that in most cases, requested material will be provided as a digital reproduction rather than the original physical item, consistent with the Library’s digital first approach to interlibrary lending.

Read more about Reproductions and interlibrary loans for individuals.

For libraries

The National Library has implemented a digital first approach to interlibrary loans. This means the Library will supply a digital surrogate in place of the original physical item where possible within copyright and other rights obligations.

For more details, see Copies and interlibrary loans for libraries.  

Copyright in Library collections

We have general guidance on copyright and requirements when using and copying from our collections.

When you make copies of material from our collections or order reproductions through our services you need to meet the requirements of the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and any special requirements that may apply to material that is rare, unique or culturally sensitive.

Rare fragile or vulnerable material

The National Library of Australia encourages access to collection material through the provision of copies, as long as this does not risk damage to fragile, rare or vulnerable material. Requests to copy rare fragile or vulnerable material will need to take account of Library safe use and handling principles and there may be times when the material can not be copied at all.

  • Fragile material can include books and periodicals published before 1920, books with damaged bindings, and material with torn or weak paper.
  • Vulnerable material includes tightly bound volumes, paintings, pastel and pencil works, glass negatives and material of a size and shape that puts it at risk when being moved, such as very large maps.
  • Rare material is material not widely held in other Australian libraries.

Buying books

We do not sell books from our collections.

If you are after a particular book, try contacting a local bookseller in your area, they may be able to help you find a copy. There are also online bookshops and book search databases which may be helpful. Some of these are listed in our eResources portal. Go to the browse eResources tab and search 'book trade' to find relevant resources.

The National Library bookshop sells books and other material on a range of subjects from various publishers, including books and merchandise published by the National Library of Australia.

Page published: 27 Jul 2023

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