Acquisition highlights | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Acquisition highlights

Brief descriptions of some of the more significant items recently added to the collections.


A handwritten diary entry in an old fashioned script.

George Thomson, Diary entry for Tuesday 26 May 1868, Diary of George Thomson, 1868-1869,

Indigenous Australian cricket team touring England in the 1860s

Australians have often gone to great lengths to see their favourite sporting teams, even back in the 1860s!

An old map of Antarctica from 1842.
The first Russian Antarctic expedition in 1819-21

The Library has recently acquired a journal recording the first Russian Antarctic expedition in 1819-21.

A portion of a handwritten poem that reads 'Invocation. Come forth from thy oozy couhc, O Ornithorynchus dear, And great with a cordial claw The stranger that longs to hear.'
Mark Twain's ode to Australian wildlife

The Library recently acquired an original draft of a poem by Mark Twain in the form of a letter.


An old black and white map of the Sunda Strait decorated with pictures of navigational symbols, landmarks and ships

Lucas Janszoon Waghenaer, Afconterfeytinge van die strate oft engde van Sunda, tusschen Sumatra en Iava in Oost Indien, als oock die baye oft rede voor Bantam die hooft-stadt van Iava, tesamen met alle hare eylanden, clippen, ondiepten en sanden, alles nae t' leven net afgetogen, c.1602,

Rare 1602 map of the Sunda Strait

A very rare chart of the Sunda Strait – located between the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Java – from 1602 has recently been added to our collection.

A black and white map showing Australia, then called New Holland, in the late 1600s.
Two recently acquired Coronelli globe gores

The Library has recently acquired two 17th century globe gores by Vincenzo Coronelli.

Antique map showing a partial outline of Australia
Blaeu map added to the UNESCO Australian Memory of the World Register

The map includes details of the first sighting of Tasmania by Europeans and the first mapping of New Zealand.


Two woman in green and gold clothing embracing excitedly in front of a crowd.

Leigh Henningham, Matildas fans reacting to an Australian goal at a public screening of the Australia vs Canada 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup match at Federation Square, Melbourne, Victoria, 31 July, nla.obj-3254738517

Photographs of the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup

The Library commissioned photographers to capture the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup.

An old photograph of people in sensible clothing going for a walk in the bush.
Photographs of the anti-fashion Rational Dress Movement

The Library has recently acquired 3 photographs from a Rational Dress Movement picnic in 1895.

Five girls playing a rugby game on a rugby pitch
Photographs of the 2022 Pacifica Youth Rugby Cup

Four photographs of the 2022 Pacifica Youth Rugby Cup have recently been added to our collection.


A green background with the 2018 Australia Post logo printed on it.

Ian 'Spike' Farrawell, Mail Bag (Plastic - Light Green with metal ringlets at top), Collection of cards documenting Australia Post mail bag designs from between 1986 to 2021, nla.obj-3381748997

Collection of Australia Post mail bag designs

Ian 'Spike' Farrawell recently donated a set of his Australia Post mailbag card designs to the Library.

A watercolour image from 1827 of an echidna. This depiction is not accurate with what we know echidnas to look like in real life.
An early picture of an echidna

An 1827 illustration of an echidna has recently been added to our collection.

A painted locket portrait of a man in a red military uniform. The locket is resting on some black material.

Nathaniel Plimer, Portrait Miniature of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Brisbane, c.1800-1810, nla.obj-3180223104

A rare portrait miniature of Sir Thomas Brisbane

The National Library has recently acquired a rare portrait miniature of Sir Thomas Brisbane, the sixth Governor of New South Wales.

Other formats

Broadside with text reading 'New Colony of South Australia. A Bill having been brought into Parliament under the Sanction of His Majesty's Government for funding a Colony of South Australia. A public meeting will be held in the Great Room at Exeter Hall strand, on Monday next'

South Australian Association, issuing body, New colony of South Australia : a bill having been brought into parliament under the sanction of His Majesty's government for founding a colony in South Australia, 1834,

Rare broadsides announcing the formation of South Australia

Learn about two broadsides recently added to our collection. 

Text from an old newspaper that reads 'The United States Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots. A True Story of Slavery, Showing That Brutality is inseparable from Slavery, That the Constitution of the United States of America is the Bulwark of American Slavery, That the only hope of abolition of Slavery is in separation from the Union. By a Fugitive Slave.'


Rediscovering the firsthand account of a fugitive slave

Find out how a powerful newspaper article written in 1855 by a fugitive slave was re-published into a book and added to our collection.

A black and white image of a group of mean demonstrating. The man front and centre is holding a microphone to his mouth, while the man to the right is holding a megaphone speaker up in the air. There are placards and flags in the air in the background.

William Yang, Dennis Altman and Craig Johnston, Gay Demonstration, Macquarie Street, Sydney, 1981, nla.obj-136863821

A new oral history interview with Dennis Altman

In 2022, Australian writer, academic and gay rights campaigner Dennis Altman was interviewed by Robert Reynolds for the National Library's Oral History collection.

Learn more about the collections

Rows of shelves filled with colourful books and doorways lined down the middle
What we collect

The Library aims to collect all of our stories so Australians can understand our past, present and place in the world.

A person with short brown hair, a blue tshirt and jeans is organising archive boxes on metal shelves in a storage room. They are placing a box onto a shelf while standing next to a cart.
How we collect

The Library develops its collections by building strong community connections, engaging with issues of contemporary significance and undertaking leadership activities, including innovating to address the impact of changing technologies on collecting and acquisition processes.

Over the shoulder of woman using laptop. On her screen she is using Trove to look at a digitised photo of nurses
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Each year, hundreds of thousands of pages of content are added to our digital collections and made available online through Trove.

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