Code of conduct for readers and visitors | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Code of conduct for readers and visitors

The National Library of Australia is committed to providing a safe and peaceful environment for research, study and learning.

This code outlines the conduct we expect from readers and visitors. It supplements the National Library Regulations (2018) made under the National Library Act 1960 (Cwth).

  • Treat other Library users and staff with respect, courtesy and consideration.
  • Meet acceptable levels of personal hygiene and dress, in the interests of your health and safety and in consideration of other users. Footwear must be worn.
  • Do not bring food or drink into the reading rooms or galleries. Pure water in a bottle with a tightly secured lid may be brought into the Main Reading Room and Petherick Reading Room only. Water bottles are not to be used or handled in a way that could potentially damage collection material. Spillages should be reported to staff immediately. Read our policy on food and drink in public areas for more information
  • Do not smoke on Library premises.
  • Leave your bags or cases larger than 300 x 300 mm and other personal belongings in the free storage lockers on LG1. For safety reasons and to prevent theft of Library resources, authorised Library staff have the right to inspect equipment, folders, bags or property as readers and visitors enter or leave the building. The Library is not responsible for any personal items you bring into reading rooms or other public spaces.
  • Leave the Library promptly at closing time and during emergency procedures as requested.
  • Maintain a quiet and non-disruptive environment conducive for study and learning. Switch your mobile phone to silent, and refrain from using it in reading rooms and galleries. Turn the volume of audio devices to levels which cannot be heard by others.
  • Handle collection items with care and refrain from marking, tearing or otherwise causing damage. Handle special collection material in accordance with guidance issued by reading room staff.
  • Take care of Library equipment and furniture and refrain from pulling out cords, marking furniture or otherwise disconnecting or damaging equipment and facilities.
  • Return collection material to the designated trolleys when you have finished with it. Ensure Library material is not hidden or deliberately misplaced.
  • Refrain from reserving desks, PCs and other equipment in the reading rooms by leaving notes, collection material or your personal belongings. In general, take up one study space only .
  • Relinquish PCs and other equipment with particular functional features or software after a reasonable time if fellow Library users require access to these specific features and they are not available elsewhere.
  • Ensure that you do not access, download or print pornographic or offensive material and generally comply with the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 (Cwth).
  • Ensure that you do not breach the provisions in the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwth) when you copy or reproduce Library collection material, and also ensure you adhere to the licences for the electronic resources which the Library subscribes to.
  • Ensure that you adhere to any conditions of access specified for unpublished material.
  • Inform Library staff promptly of any concerns you have relating to our services, the functionality of equipment and the behaviour of other Library users.

Readers and visitors to the Library who do not comply with the National Library Regulations (2018), the Library’s Acceptable use of information and communication technology policy and this Code of Conduct may be asked to leave the Library or may be refused access to the building.

For your safety, a number of surveillance cameras have been placed in public areas.

Page published: 07 Jul 2021

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