Grow our digital library | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Grow our digital library

Each year, hundreds of thousands of pages of content are added to our digital collections and made available online through Trove. See what’s recently become available to view online, and what’s coming soon.

What's new in 2025


Dr Lowitja O’Donoghue’s speeches

Speeches, addresses and lectures given by one of the Australia's most influential First Nations leaders Dr Lowitja O'Donoghue. From the Papers of Lowitja O'Donoghue, 1940-2013, and they reflect her long career advocating for Indigenous rights. 

Learn more about how the Library brought Dr O’Donohue’s speeches online

Cycling journals

Cycling serials, primarily from Victoria and from the late twentieth century:  


Belfast newspapers

Newspapers from the Belfast region from the mid to late 1800s:

Records of the National Council of Women of Australia

Manuscript material from the National Council of Women of Australia including correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, newsletters and more.

Coming soon

Ferguson and McLaren Local History Collections

More than 5000 local history pamphlets from the nineteenth and twentieth century are being made available on Trove as they are captured.

Joan Hammond

Letters written by and material relating to Joan Hammond, who was a renowned opera singer, music teacher and golf champion.

Moree News

Editions of the Moree News newspaper from 1899 to 1907 covering agricultural and commercial development, the impact of drought and prominent people in the region. 

Performing arts monographs and serials

119 standalone publications and over 1,000 issues of serials related to performing arts from the early 1800s to late 1900s. 

Interested in seeing what will be available soon from our Trove Partners? See what's coming soon to Trove.

Highlights from previous years

Hanho Tʻaimzŭ (Hanho Times)

All issues of the Hanho Tʻaimzŭ (Hanho Times) Korean community newspaper, which was published in Sydney and ran from 1985 to 1995.

Learn more about the Hanho Times

Nineteenth century handwritten diaries

Diaries written by migrants from the United Kingdom detailing their voyage and early years in the Australian colonies.

Braidwood newspapers

Late nineteenth and early twentieth century editions of newspapers from Braidwood, NSW including Braidwood News and Gold Fields General Advertiser, Braidwood Observer and Miner's Advocate, Captain's Flat Mining Record, Hill End and Tambaroora Times and Miners' Advocate and Moruya Examiner.

Papers of Kristian Fredrikson

This collection includes sketches, artworks and models by renowned stage and costume designer Kristian Fredrikson from many productions throughout his long career. 

Explore Fredrikson’s costume designs for the plays of William Shakespeare

Papers of Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony collected by Eric Nicholls

Sketches, writing, articles and more by and about Walter and Marion Griffin from throughout their lives and careers, including the establishment of Canberra.

Learn more about the Griffin and early Canberra Collection

Records of the Australian Women Pilots' Association

Eight scrapbooks of newspaper cuttings, letters and photographs collected by the Australian Women Pilots' Association about women fliers, particularly in Australia during the 1950s and 1960s.

See some of the stories in this collection in our blog.

Hemisphere journals

29 volumes of the Asian-Australian magazine that sought to help university students from the Asia-Pacific adjust to life in Australia by providing insight into Australian culture and history.

Chinese Language

Books, pamphlets and albums about China, Chinese culture, and the experience of Chinese migrants in Australia, including titles published in Australia, in both traditional Chinese and English languages.

Australian cookery books

Over 100 historical cookbooks covering a variety of Australian and international cuisines for all skill levels - and more to come.

Want to help us bring more of the collection online?

Your support can help us make even more of our unique national collections available online for everyone. Learn about how you can donate to digitise the collection.

Page published: 05 Feb 2025

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