Vryonis Collection | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Vryonis Collection

The Vryonis Collection comprises around 1,600 books and periodicals focused on Byzantine history, art, literature, the Greek Orthodox Church, and its relations with Islamic and Slavic cultures. Most of the works date from the 20th century, but it also includes earlier imprints in a variety of languages, including English, French, German, Greek, Turkish, and Slavic. This collection offers a comprehensive exploration of Byzantium’s enduring influence, providing a unique insight into the cultural and historical exchanges that shaped both Eastern and Western worlds. It's a treasure trove for anyone interested in the fascinating intersections of history and culture.

Key items in the collection

This collection hosts a range of formats, including:

The Vryonis Collection comprises about 1540 books and 60 periodicals relating mainly to Byzantine history, art and literature, the Greek Orthodox Church, and the relations between Byzantium and Islamic and Slavic cultures. There are also some general works on classical, medieval and Islamic history and the modern history of Greece and Turkey. The books are in English, French, German, Greek, Turkish and a number of Slavic languages. Most of them were published in the twentieth century, but there are about 100 nineteenth-century imprints and 13 pre-1801 imprints.

Writers represented in the collection include Norman Baynes, Louis Brehier, Apostolos Darcalakis, Charles Diehl, Johann Droysen, Tryphonos Euangelidos, Manoel Gedeon, Charles Hopf, Phaidonos Koukoles, Spyridion Lampros, George Ostrogorsky, Steven Runciman, Georgio Soterios, Ernest Stein, Perikleos Zerlentos and Johann Zinkeisen.

The following are some of the early items in the collection:

Among Vryonis’s many books are:

The collection is especially strong in periodicals. They include

About Speros Vryonis Jr

Early life and education

Dr Speros Vryonis Jr (1928–2019) was born in Memphis, Tennessee, to Greek emigrant parents from the island of Cephalonia. He was educated at the Christian Brothers School and Southwestern College in Memphis, the American School of Archaeology in Athens, and Harvard University.

Academic career

Vryonis taught at Harvard University before joining the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1960, where he became a Professor of History in 1966. He also served as the Director of the Gustave E. von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies. From 1976 to 1984, he was a Professor of Medieval and Modern History at the University of Athens. In 1988, he was appointed the first Director of the Alexander S. Onassis Center for Hellenic Studies at New York University.

Later years and legacy

From 1996 to 2000, Vryonis was the Director of the Speros Basil Vryonis Center for the Study of Hellenism in Rancho Cordova, California. Throughout his career, he made significant contributions to the study of Hellenism and the history of the Near East.

Background to the collection

The Vryonis Collection was purchased by the Library in 1969 from Professor Vryonis.

The periodicals, rare books, and Greek books are catalogued individually and are part of the general and Rare Books collections. Greek works have call numbers starting with GK. The rest of the collection is kept together within the general collection. About a quarter of the books are catalogued, with call numbers starting with BYZ.

The Library published a full list of the collection in 1978.

This guide was prepared using these references:

Page published: 17 Dec 2024

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