Anti-war protests | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Anti-war protests

Anti-war protests began to gain momentum during the Vietnam War and have since made up a major part of political protest. Use this guide to help find and access resources in our collection about the Nuclear Disarmament movement, protests against the Vietnam War and protests against the Iraq War.

In our collections

Our collections include a rich array of materials documenting Australia's long history of anti-war protests.

From the Vietnam War and Iraq War to the Nuclear Disarmament movement, explore photographs, posters, ephemera, and other resources that capture the spirit and impact of these significant political protests. Many of these items provide insight into the people and messages behind the movements that shaped public opinion and policy in Australia.

A black-and-white photograph capturing a Vietnam War moratorium protest in 1971 on the steps of the Victorian Parliament Building in Melbourne, Australia. The image shows a group of young protesters sitting on the base of a large lamp post outside the building, with some standing and others sitting closely together. The architectural columns of the parliament building loom behind them, while a modern office building is visible in the background. In the foreground are individuals, mostly men in suits.

Andrew Chapman, Vietnam moratorium protest on the steps of the Victorian Parliament Building, Melbourne, Victoria, 1971,

Andrew Chapman, Vietnam moratorium protest on the steps of the Victorian Parliament Building, Melbourne, Victoria, 1971,

Just getting started?
For general sources and search tips to navigate our collections on protest, participation and dissent in Australia, go to our protest and dissent research guide.

Nuclear disarmament movement

Nuclear disarmament in Australia only began to gain traction from around 1970, with small scale protests occurring from 1963. It was only after France began nuclear testing in the Pacific in 1972 that more widespread concern was expressed from the Australian public. The 1976 protests against uranium mining in central Australia saw the movement gain in popularity. Seven thousand people marched in cities across Australia, with protests continuing well in the 1980s.

A poster from 1980 with the bold message "Leave uranium in the ground" in large black text at the top. The design features an abstract, earthy-toned background with shapes and lines resembling natural formations or geological layers. The text stands out against the muted background.

Leave uranium in the ground, 1980,

Leave uranium in the ground, 1980,

Key sources

We hold a large collection of material from a number of nuclear disarmament protests and a large collection of posters and photographs. There is also strong coverage in the digitised newspapers, magazines and journals available in Trove.

Because most items and material from this era is still in copyright, a lot of it is not available online. You can still request to view the items in person at the Library.

Some items may be available to buy a digital copy via our catalogue.

Search tips

Use keywords to search by title, author or subject in the catalogue or Trove.

Use these general search terms to find broad resources:

You can also try these specific search terms:

  • Nuclear Disarmament Protest Australia
  • Nuclear Disarmament movement Australia
  • Uranium mining protests
  • Uranium Mining Ban

Protests against Iraq War

On 20 March 2003, United States forces and their allies went to war with Iraq with the goal of capturing Saddam Hussein and destroying any weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). In response to the announcement from the United States Government, many Australians took to the streets in protest of the war and the government’s support of it.

A black-and-white photograph of a large protest march on George Street in Sydney, taken on the day the bombs began in Iraq. The crowd holds a large banner that reads, "STOP THE WAR ON IRAQ BRING THE TROOPS HOME," with a white dove and olive branch illustration on the right. Numerous signs are visible behind the banner, including those from the Australian Labor Party (ALP) and various anti-war groups. Signs include messages such as "NO WAR," "WAR CRIMINAL HOWARD," and "PEACE."

Wendy McDougall, Labor M.P. and Deputy Premier Andrew Refshauge (6th from right) is part of the head of the march for "No war" on George Street in Sydney on the day the bombs started in Iraq, 2003,

Wendy McDougall, Labor M.P. and Deputy Premier Andrew Refshauge (6th from right) is part of the head of the march for "No war" on George Street in Sydney on the day the bombs started in Iraq, 2003,

Key sources

The National Library has a collected many materials over the year relating to the protest against the Iraq War.

Search tips

Use keywords to search by title, author or subject in the catalogue or Trove.

Use these general subject headings:

You can also try these specific search terms:

  • Iraq War protest
  • Iraq War Australia
  • Invasion of Iraq protests

Vietnam War

The Vietnam War was the first war to be televised and broadcast back to Australians, sparking widespread protest and sit-ins across the nation.

A black-and-green poster for an anti-Vietnam War demonstration. The large, bold text at the top reads "STOP VIETNAM WAR" in black. Below, the word "demonstration" is written in smaller, cursive-style font. The event details are listed beneath in black and green text: "Friday October 25, 5 pm, in solidarity with the N.L.F." A rally is scheduled at "Queens Park," followed by a "march to U.S. Consul." The poster features an abstract green illustration of a woman in the background, with a sketched, fluid style.

Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament National Liberation Front, Collection of Vietnam War posters, 197-,

Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament National Liberation Front, Collection of Vietnam War posters, 197-,

Key sources

We hold a substantial amount of collection material relating to the Vietnam War, especially advertising material, posters and other items. You can view some online in Trove.


In person

Other places to look

If you need more material, go to the State Library of South Australia's Vietnam research guide.

Search tips

Use keywords to search by title, author or subject in the catalogue or Trove.

Try these search terms:

  • Vietnam War Australia
  • Anti-Vietnam War
  • Australian-Vietnam protest 1965

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Page published: 26 Sep 2024

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