Women in sport | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Women in sport


Historically, Australian women have made their mark in the sports record books worldwide. Despite this, women’s sport has traditionally played a minor role in Australia’s national identity, coming in a distance third behind sportsmen and racehorses.

For several centuries Australian women have struggled against direct resistance to their participation in sport. But as the struggle for equality continues, undeniable achievements and unwavering determination are now gaining more recognition than even the most impressive horses.

Secondary sources on the history of women in sport are scarce. However, you can find a wide range of relevant material at the Library, including books, journals, newspapers, pictures, oral history interviews and online databases.

A gold medal standing upright on a white cotton surface. The medal shows a figure holding a trumped and a wine amphorae. Behind the figure is a bust on a stand. In raised lettering around the edge of the medal are the words 'Olympiska Spelen Stockholm' The year '1912' is also present.

Olympic gold medal won by Miss Fanny Durack at Stockholm, 1912, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-139311257

Olympic gold medal won by Miss Fanny Durack at Stockholm, 1912, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-139311257

Using the catalogue

Use the catalogue standard search to find titles, authors, or subjects.

  • If you get too many results, use the Limit your search options (at the right of the results page) to display only the items of interest. e.g. audio (oral histories) or manuscripts
  • If you need to widen your search, click on subject headings in an item’s catalogue record to find other material related to that subject.

Examples of subject searches you can try include:

You can also search for women in a particular sport either by individual names or by using different sports and places, e.g.

  • Women – [sport players] – [geographical place]

Geographical place can include both State and city/town e.g. New South Wales – Sydney.

You can also add terms such as Biography, Portraits, Photographs, Interviews.

Examples of subject searches and items in our collections for a selection of sports can be found below.

A sepia toned photograph of a woman sitting on a rock. She is wearing an old fashioned swim suit. She is sitting crossed legged. Beneath her is a caption saying 'MISS FANNY DURACK' Champion Amateur Lady Swimmer of the World'

Exchange Studios, Portrait of Fanny Durack, 1912, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-140681122

Selected items

black and white photo of a woman athlete running

Australian Information Service, [Portrait of Betty Cuthbert], nla.gov.au/nla.obj-136738143

  • Women athletes -- [Geographical place] -- [Biography] or [Interviews] or [Photographs] or [Portraits]
  • Women track and field athletes -- [Geographical place] -- [Biography] or [Interviews] etc.

Selected items

If you are a registered reader, you can request items to read and photocopy in the Library's reading rooms.

Registered readers can also search selected subscription databases via our eResources portal.

If you can't visit the Library, you can use Copies Direct to request copies and have them sent to you via mail or email. Please note there may be copyright restrictions when using this service.

You can also search Trove to find a library closer to you which has the item in their collection.

If there is no library near you with the item, you may be able to arrange an interlibrary loan through your local public or institutional library. Please ask staff at your local library for assistance with this.

Aussie sporting heroes

Learn how you can use the Library’s eResources to dig deeper into the cultural portrayal of our Aussie sporting heroes.

Aussie Sporting Heroes Webinar

Page published: 21 Nov 2023

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