Literature and writing | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Literature and writing

Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results
cover of book 'Arnott's recipes'

Arnott, Motteram, Menz Pty. Ltd., Arnott's recipes : made with Arnott's and Menz biscuits,

Ebooks research guide

This guide will help you find and view different types of ebooks in the Library collections.

Research guide
cover of book 'Australian Dictionary of Biography'

(1966). Australian dictionary of biography. Melbourne : London ; New York : Melbourne University Press; Cambridge University Press

Biography research guide

A guide to finding biographies.

Research guide
Two men, one on a ladder, looking at books on large bookshelf at the State Library of Victoria

Mark Strizic, Searching for books at the State Library of Victoria, January 1967,

Australian literature research guide

A guide to finding Australian literature resources

Research guide
Black and white photo of Students in desks and browsing library shelves in Monash University Library

Sievers, Wolfgang (1963), Monash University: Main Library, students at desks, 1963,

How to find Australian theses

Theses completed for higher research degrees (PhD, Masters or Honours) form an important body of original research. There are a number of places you can search for Australian theses.

Research guide
Two men, one on a ladder, looking at books on large bookshelf at the State Library of Victoria

Mark Strizic, Searching for books at the State Library of Victoria, January 1967,

How to find out of print books

To find an out of print book you can start by getting in contact with a second hand/antiquarian bookseller.

Information article
A miniature book sitting in a mans hand

Fairfax Corporation, Smallest book in the world presented as a gift to the National Library of Australia, New South Wales, ca. 1930,

How to find miniature books in the Library's collection

The Library's collection holds many miniature books measuring less than 10cm.

Research guide
Nine people gathered around trolley of books in a library

Fairfax Corporation, Group of men and women gathered around a trolley full of books at the Municipal Library, New South Wales, 20 June 1930,

How to find recently published Australian material

A good place to find recently published Australian material is through the Recent Australian Publications (RAP) service from Trove.

Research guide
J Butler and W Bryant at the Theatre - Sydney

For the benefit of J. Butler and W. Bryant : at the Theatre, Sydney on July 30, 1796 will be performed Jane Shore ...  1796, nla.obj-1419486

What is the earliest surviving Australian printed document?

In 2007, the National Library of Australia acquired a playbill dated 30 July 1796, the earliest surviving document printed in Australia.

Research guide

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