Legal deposit | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Legal deposit

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 results
Rows of shelves filled with colourful books and doorways lined down the middle
Legal deposit

We collect Australia's stories. Ensure your story is preserved for future generations through legal deposit.

Information article
Library services
Large wall of bookshelves with hundreds of colourful books
How to make a legal deposit

The Library only needs one copy of a publication and we prefer electronic.

Library services
Photo of rows of shelves filled with colourful books above a blue rectangle with white text reading 'Five Years' on the right and the National edeposit (NED) logo on the right
Five years of National edeposit service (NED)

We're celebrating five years of the National edeposit service (NED).

News article
Metal shelves full of bound volumes in many different colours

A collection storage area at the National Library of Australia

Legal deposit questions and answers

Answers to frequently-asked questions about legal deposit

Information article
Library services
interior - stacks legal deposit crime magnifying glass
Arresting scenery: Capturing time and place in crime fiction writing

Explore some of the crime-fiction reads in the collection and how they can help readers learn more about Australian culture, history and place.

Rows of very tall, large bookshelves (stacks) in a warehouse

The National Library of Australia’s Hume storage repository.

The history of legal deposit: Sixteenth century France to the Library today

Learn about the evolution of legal deposit and how it works in Australia today.

In the foreground, spiky lizards climbing a broken computer, and in the background a large imposing red structure in front of a pink sky

Detail from cover of Aurealis Magazine, Issue 7,

The end of the world at the Library: Sci-Fi, dystopia, and Australian fiction

Explore some of the speculative fiction reads in the collection and how they can help future generations understand society in the time they were written.

Woman with red hair standing in front of a bookshelf of romance books, holding a tablet with the cover of a romance book on the screen. She is facing forward with her back to the bookshelf, looking to the side and slightly smiling
Library love stories: Romance in the National Library of Australia’s collection

Explore the history and diversity of Australian romance books in our collection.

Large wall of bookshelves with hundreds of colourful books
Indie publishing: your book in our collection

If you are considering independently publishing your book, learn how to get your published book into the Library's collection.

Library services
Long shelves of books and other print material with regular orange signs
Legal deposit enquiry form

Contact form for legal deposit enquiries

Library services
A person standing in front of a bookshelf, holding a magnifying glass up to the shelf. They are also holding an ipad with a website showing on it.
Notice to publisher of online material

This notice is published in support of automated requests made by web harvesting software.

Library services

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