Government and politics | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Government and politics

Showing 1 - 12 of 52 results
Leaflet with a large image of three students, bold text reading 'AUS & YOU' and some information about The Australian Union of Students

National Union of Australian University Students / Australian Union of Students, AUS & you: students working together, 1981,

National Capital Development Commission Sketch of the National Library of Australia

National Capital Development Commission, Sketch of the National Library of Australia, 1962, nla.obj-150872437 

Statistics research guide

You may need to access statistical data to support or illustrate your research. This guide will help you find and access key records and resources.

Research guide
White poster with orange lines and simple illustrations of men and women in suits. Large orange text reads 'Diplomacy' and small black text encourages graduates to become diplomats.

Department of Foreign Affairs, Diplomacy, 1984,

Insights into Australian diplomatic history

Join us in discovering a selection of items from the Library’s collection which speak to the fascinating history of Australian diplomacy.

On the left, a book cover with a light grey background, a painting of an older man, paint splatters, and text reading 'Tom McIlroy',' Blue Poles' and 'Jackson Pollock, Gough Whitlam and the painting that changed a nation'
Book launch: Blue Poles by Tom McIlroy

Journalist Tom McIlroy discussed his book 'Blue Poles'.

Dr Lowitja O'Donoghue sitting in an armchair and smiling

Dr Lowitja O'Donoghue, image by Leanna King, courtesy of the Lowitja Institute

Speeches of Dr Lowitja O’Donoghue now available online

The Library has recently digitised the speeches of Dr Lowitja O’Donoghue AC CBE DSG.

News article
Collection guide
Hughes Collection

Large collection of papers from the politician William Morris Hughes including correspondence, official papers and reports, diaries, notebooks, newspaper cuttings, speeches, invitations and more.

Collection guide
Photo portrait of Dr Ken Henry AC

Dr Ken Henry AC

2025 Ann Moyal Lecture: Dr Ken Henry AC

The 2025 Ann Moyal Lecture presented by Dr Ken Henry AC, titled What We Must Fix First.

Collection guide
Russian Socialist Collection

More than 400 Russian socialist pamphlets published mainly in the period 1900-1945, and 2 microfilm collections from Stanford and Harvard Universities of Russian revolutionary literature from 1898-1922.

Collection guide
Broadside with text reading 'New Colony of South Australia. A Bill having been brought into Parliament under the Sanction of His Majesty's Government for funding a Colony of South Australia. A public meeting will be held in the Great Room at Exeter Hall strand, on Monday next'

South Australian Association, issuing body, New colony of South Australia : a bill having been brought into parliament under the sanction of His Majesty's government for founding a colony in South Australia, 1834,

Rare broadsides announcing the formation of South Australia

Learn about two broadsides recently added to our collection. 

News article
Collection guide
Baracchi Collection

Papers, pamphlets, books and periodicals relating to communism, socialism, fascism, capitalism, international relations, public finance, politics, World War II, and the Vietnam War.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Anti-slavery movement in the United States

Microform collections documenting the anti-slavery movement from the 18th-20th centuries and selected monographs

Collection guide
A black and white drawing depicting a very large crowed of people inside an ornate building watching a parade of people and flags entering the building.

Papers of Sir Anthony Musgrave, Microform,

Federation of Australia

A comprehensive collection of original records of the Federation movement plus books, pictures, music and other material related to Federation.

Collection guide

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