Government and politics | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Government and politics

Showing 37 - 48 of 52 results
Collection guide
Deakin Collection

Large collection of personal papers covering Alfred Deakin's extensive political career, plus photographs, memorabilia and other published works by and about Deakin.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Menzies Collection

Large collection of papers of Sir Robert Menzies, including correspondence, cards, commissions, diaries, speeches, invitations and other printed ephemera, subject files, newspaper cuttings, photographs and more.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Groom Collection

About 200 books and 260 pamphlets, plus personal papers and photographs mainly related to Australian history, politics, law, literature and religion from Sir Ernest Littleton Groom.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Munro Ferguson Collection

Papers of Munro Ferguson, dating from 1914 to 1920, that form one of the finest personal archives of an Australian governor-general. They consist largely of correspondence with the King, generals, politicians, judges and state governors, plus speeches and diaries.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Hall Collection

Personal papers and about 600 books and pamphlets from 1900-1960 on international relations, political biography, migration and more with a focus on the Commonwealth and United States. 

Collection guide
Collection guide
Pearce Collection

14,000 books and pamphlets about numerous subjects such as Australian poetry and literary criticism, English and Scottish poetry, Greek and Roman literature, Australian history, labour history and religion. Also includes personal papers of Pearce and other Australian writers.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Kenafick Collection

Personal papers from 1938-1974 plus pamphlets, leaflets and other publications relating to socialist, communist, anti-communist and peace organisations in both Australia and overseas.

Collection guide
Front page of the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, with a large image of the Australian coat of arms at the top

Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. 1, 1 January 1901, in which the establishment of the Commonwealth of Australia was proclaimed from the Papers of Sir Edmund Barton, 1827-1940,

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Collection guide
Villanueva Collection

Around 270 books, pamphlets and serials, mostly published in the Philippines 1900-1965 but also some items from the USA, Spain and Spanish-speaking countries.

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Collection guide
British Radical Pamphlets

Over 3,000 printed pamphlets, leaflets and issues of periodicals, mostly published 1900-1970, plus a collection of microfiche and microfilm of other publications, produced by left-wing parties and organisations in the period 1961–88.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Cameron Collection

Papers related to Clyde Cameron's long political career, and 12 oral history recordings conducted by Cameron with other political figures.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Malcolm Ellis Collection

About 500 books, pamphlets, reports, leaflets, circulars, reprints and transcripts, mostly published 1920-1950, relating to communism, the labour movement and international politics. About half are Australian.

Collection guide

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