NLA Publishing submission guidelines | National Library of Australia (NLA)

NLA Publishing submission guidelines

Find out more about our publishing program and review our submission requirements to ensure we’re the right fit for your book.

What we publish

We are seeking submissions from authors with manuscripts that use our collection.

Since its establishment, the National Library has collected papers, letters and journals, manuscripts, oral histories, books, magazines, newspapers, pictures, maps, films, videos, Australian web sites and online publications.

Together, these collections chart our story as a nation and are the basis of the National Library's publishing program.

We largely publish adult non-fiction (illustrated and non-illustrated) and illustrated children’s non-fiction (up to middle grade) and picture books.

Our focus areas include history, art, photography, the environment and literature.

Publishing criteria

Please review our submission requirements before you submit your proposal to ensure we’re the right fit for your book.

Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property protocol

The National Library has implemented an Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) protocol. This protocol contains a set of guidelines aimed at acknowledging and protecting the rights that First Nations people have over their cultural and intellectual property, including their cultures, languages and histories. NLA Publishing is proud to implement this protocol with our publications.

Publishing decisions will be made based on the following criteria:

  • extent to which primary source material in the National Library’s collections has been or will be used to highlight the Library’s collections
  • extent to which the proposed publication leads to an understanding of Australian history and culture, promotes knowledge and use of the Library's resources and of the richness and diversity of the Library's collections
  • standards of writing and research; credentials of the author(s) and their ability to promote the book
  • the sales potential, projected costs and potential revenues
  • extent to which the proposed publication will assist the Library in meeting its strategic priorities
  • extent to which the proposed publication complements the Library’s overall publishing program
  • opportunities for fruitful collaboration through publication

Submission requirements

Your submission needs to include certain information. Asterisks denote required information.

  • Name and contact details*
  • Website
  • Previous works
  • Title (proposed) of work*
  • Relevance to the collection*
    • Your application must demonstrate knowledge of and identify specific Library collections that are relevant to your book. For example, it is not enough to list ‘dance collections’. Please identify the relevant manuscripts, objects, ephemera, etc., within the Library’s dance or other collections.
    • Applicants who do not show investigation into how the Library’s collections will support their proposed book will not be considered.
    • Applicants should also demonstrate awareness of any access or rights issues that may apply to the selected collection items. Information about access conditions can be found in the catalogue record.
  • Word count*
  • 3 sample chapters plus a synopsis (500 words)*
    • For children’s books, please submit as complete a manuscript as possible
  • Marketing points
  • Target audience
  • Uniqueness of approach
  • Ways of promoting

Please submit only one manuscript at a time. Additional materials should be in a single Word document (.doc or .docx) or PDF. Please use a simple, clear font.

How to submit

If your submission meets our guidelines, you can email it to us.

Please note that the process of reviewing submissions can take up to 6 months. We will advise you via email after your submission has been assessed by our team.

Due to the large number of manuscripts we receive and consider, we are unable to provide individual editorial advice.

Page published: 20 Nov 2024

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