Digital Classroom | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Digital Classroom

Explore Australia's history at the National Library's Digital Classroom, aligned with the Australian Curriculum. With over 10 million items, we support diverse learning styles, fostering inquiry-based learning for students to analyse sources and draw conclusions about the Australian story.
Showing 1 - 12 of 41 results
The Japanese print shows the major members of the Satsuma Rebellion, surrounding Takamori Saigo, the leading figure; the text at the back of each image explains more details about each figure.

Yoshitoshi Taiso & 大蘇芳年, Kagoshima bōto shōzō ryakuden Morimoto Junzaburō, Tōkyō, 1877,

Japan under the Shoguns (794-1867)


Examine Japan under the Shoguns (794-1867), focusing on the feudal system and its societal impacts.

Year 8
A colourful woodblock print showing a warrior gripping a spear in battle. He wears a detailed robe with bold patterns, including phoenix designs. Arrows are embedded around him, and swords are visible at the bottom of the image.

Kuniyoshi Utagawa & 歌川国芳, Honchō Suikoden gōyū happyakunin no hitori : Eda Genzō Hirotsuna [Kagaya Kichibei], 1830,

Pre-Shogunate Japan


Take your students on a journey through Japan’s early political and cultural development, leading up to the rise of the shogunate.

Year 8
Woodblock print showing 5 men. Three men are kneeling before one seated man holding a sign, Tokugawa Mitsukuni. Behind the seated man crouches an advisor.

Toshitsune Inano, Tokugawa Mitsukuni [Tokyo], 1880,

Life under the Shoguns


Explore the intricate social hierarchy of feudal Japan during the shogunate era, characterised by distinct classes and roles.

Year 8
A black and white page with four seperate images. Each image depicts famous Japanese military generals in uniform. Their names are written in script next to their pictures.

[Ehon cover drafts],

The Tokugawa


Japan’s transformative Sengoku Jidai, or Warring States Period, is a time marked by internal conflict and powerful military leaders.

Year 8
print of samurai archer in blue and red outfit

Toshikata Mizuno, Eishi sassō Hakubunkan, Tōkyō, 1899,

Japan and the West


The arrival of the Portuguese on Japanese shores in 1543 marked the beginning of Japan’s first interactions with the West.

Year 8
The Japanese print set depicts the ceremonial scene of marriage of very high class couple, possibly the emperor and his would be wife; various traditionally Japanese customs can be observed, and at the same time, Western influences in clothing and decorations are also eminent.

Nobukazu Yōsai & 楊斎延一, Kōi konreishiki no zu Hasegawa Tsunejirō, Tōkyō, 1900,

The final act and the restoration


Dive into the transformative period of Japan's history as it transitioned from feudal isolation to modernisation with the decline of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the Meiji Restoration.

Year 8
A print of a woman within an oval frame. She is wearing an elaborate ruffled collar and dress. She is wearing a crown. Below her portrait are words in Latin: 'Elizabetha D.G. Regina Ang: Fran: et Hib.'

(1600). Elizabetha D.G. Regina Ang. Fran. et Hib.,

Bound to service


Following the collapse of the western Roman Empire, Europe entered a period of cultural, political and economic change. The stabilising force of the Roman Empire gave way and new states and rulers stepped in to fill gaps.

Year 8
World cultures and history
A detail of an old handwritten document

Detail from (1330). Illuminated Psalter, 1330-1350 [manuscript].

Documentary evidence


For most of human history beyond living memory, the main way we know what life was like during the Medieval period is from documentary evidence that remains available to us.

Year 8
World cultures and history
A man looking at newspapers in multiple languages at a newspaper kiosk on Elizabeth Street, Melbourne.

Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Overseas Information Bureau. (1991). Ethnic newspapers are prominent on this kiosk in Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, 1991 [transparency].

Language in print


This resource is aligned to the Australian Curriculum: Languages for years 7–10.

Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
A large very ornate illuminated letter 'O'. The letter is drawn in gold (the original is guilded and shiny, the digital copy is matt). Surrounding the letter are columns of blue and pink. Leaves and fronds decorate the top and bottom. Within the middle of the "O" is a figure in a blue and red robe riding a white horse. He has a halo on his head. He is leaning off of his horse to drape his red cloak over a naked man walking alongside his horse. The men are looking at each other.

([14--?]). Early Flemish, German, Italian, Spanish, French woodcuts. /Item PIC/14340/41,.

Illuminating the dark


As time progressed, the number of people who could read did begin to increase, as some countries began to increase the emphasis on educating their people to basic levels.

Year 8
World cultures and history
The front page of The Australian Panorama Arabic Newspaper. The masthead is written in red Arabic script.

(2008). The Australian panorama Arabic newspaper. [Panorama Arabic Newspaper], [Parramatta, New South Wales]



Migration from Arabic nations to Australia has a complex and multifaceted history.

Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
A page one which all the letters of the English alphabet are printed in capital letters. They are printed by type setting.

PIC MSR 14/8/2 #PIC/14340/1-51-Early Flemish, German, Italian, Spanish, French woodcuts. /Item PIC/14340/40.,

The press


Since ancient times, most documents were written by hand. If multiple copies were needed, it would mean making multiple handwritten copies; even with a team of scribes, this was time consuming. It also meant that information could be difficult to read, depending how good a scribe’s handwriting was.

Year 8
World cultures and history

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