Thank you to our Patrons and donors | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Thank you to our Patrons and donors

We are grateful for the support of all our Patrons and donors. You are helping us to share our collections with the world and transform public access to Australian history and culture.

Donor reports

To learn more about the difference your support is making, and the diversity of the projects made possible by philanthropy, please read our Donor Reports.

The cover of the 2024 Donor Report says 'Thank You 2024 Report to Donors' with the Library's logo in the corner. The background is an image of the Library's stacks with colourful books.

Meet our Patrons

Since 2018, the National Library has received almost $11 million in philanthropic commitments.  The Library gratefully acknowledges the generosity and support of all our Patrons and donors.

Gifts of $1,000,000 and above

Ms Jane Hemstritch AO*

The Ian Potter Foundation

The late Mrs Eva Kollsman

Opalgate Foundation, in memory of Cheng King Law*

Stokes Family

Mr Kerry Stokes AC and Ms Christine Simpson Stokes AM

Mr Ryan Kerry Stokes AO and Mrs Claire Stokes

Susan and Isaac Wakil Foundation Pty Ltd

Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation

Estate of Mr John Gilbert

Estate of Mr Harold S Williams OBE*

Gifts of $250,000 and above

AAMI Limited

Friends of the National Library of Australia Inc*

The late Ms Nora Heysen

John T Reid Charitable Trusts

Dr Michael Kassler and Dr Jamie Kassler

The Myer Foundation*

Dr John Seymour and Mrs Heather Seymour AO

Sidney Myer Fund*

Shell Development (Australia) Pty Ltd

TLE Electrical*

Ms Simone Vinall

Estate of Mr Ralf Iannuzzi

Estate of Miss Alison E Grant Lipp

Estate of Joan, Lady Lindsay*

Estate of Ms Maxine Poynton Baker

One supporter gave anonymously at this level.

Gifts of $100,000 and above


Australian Ethical Food Group*

Dr Marie-Louise Ayres FAHA and Dr Russell Ayres*

CIMIC Group Limited

Associate Professor Noel Dan AM and Mrs Adrienne Dan*

Dick and Pip Smith Foundation*

Professor Henry Ergas AO and Ms Gillian Bird PSM

Esri Australia

Harold Mitchell Foundation

The Hippocrates Foundation*

The late Ms Helen James and the late Dr Henry James Bettison

Kenyon Foundation*

Macquarie Group Foundation Limited

The late Mr Robert Maynard

Mr Kevin McCann AO and Mrs Deidre McCann*

Mrs Pat McCann

Minerals Council of Australia

National Union of Australian University Students and Australian Union of Students Alumni*

Perpetual Limited*

Planet Wheeler Foundation

Professor Dimity Reed AM and Dr Garry Joslin

The late Mrs Alison Sanchez

Ms Anne-Marie Schwirtlich AM FAHA and Mr Stephen Yorke

Emeritus Professor Dr Robert Shanks and Ms Josephine Shanks*

Mr Doug Snedden AO and Ms Belinda Snedden*

Thyne Reid Foundation

Associate Professor Linnett Turner and Associate Professor David Turner

Wanda Group

Mr Tony Wheeler AO*

Mrs Sally White OAM and Mr Geoffrey White OAM*

Estate of Mr Alan Ives*

Estate of Dr Ann Moyal AM

Gifts of $25,000 and above

Dr Marion Amies*

Professor Kent Anderson

Australian Jewish Historical Society

Mrs Janette Bain and the late Mr Jim Bain AM

Dr Diana J Carroll*

Ms M Chan*

Mr Ronda Hall and Mr Peter Hall in memory of the late Mrs Mavis Thorpe Clark

Dr Patricia Clarke OAM FAHA*

The late Ms Leah Cohen

Dr RL Cope PSM

The late Mr Victor Crittenden OAM

Mr Christopher Edye, in honour of George Henry Bruce*

Dr NF Exon and Mrs DF Exon*

The late Mr James O Fairfax AC

Mr John B Fairfax AO and Mrs Libby Fairfax*

Mr Tim Fairfax AC*

Ms Catherine Hope Gordon*

Gordon Darling Foundation*

Dr Ron Houghton DFC and the late Mrs Nanette Houghton


JIBB Foundation

Dr Rebecca Jones and Ms Sue Whyte*

Dr Ann Kent and the late Dr Bruce Kent

Emeritus Professor Joyce Kirk and Dr Terry Kirk*

Mr David Lesnie

The late Ms Marjorie Lindenmayer

Linnaeus Estate

Lovell Chen Pty Ltd

The MacLeod Family Trust

Dr Michael Martin and Ms Elizabeth Popovski*

Dr Thomas Mautner*

Miss Carol Moya Mills*

Mr Simon Moore

Mrs Glennis Moss and the late Dr Kenneth Moss AM


Origin Foundation

Mrs Patricia Peck and the late Mr Nigel Peck AM

The Pratt Foundation

Emeritus Professor Alan Robson AO and Mrs Gwenda Robson

Rotru Investments Pty Ltd for Mrs Eve Mahlab AO and the late Mr Frank Mahlab

Seven Network

Thiess Pty Ltd

Ms Lyn McClure in memory of the late Ms Della Keren Thomas

Wesfarmers Limited

Estate of Joyce Evans*

Nine supporters gave anonymously at this level.

Gifts of $10,000 and above

The late Dr John Bennett AO

Besen Family Foundation

The late Mr Marc Besen AC and the late Mrs Eva Besen AO

Mrs Alison J Bloomfield

The Hon Justice Thomas Bradley KC*

Dr Desmond Bright and Dr Ruth Bright AM

The Calvert-Jones Foundation

Mr Ian Campbell

Ms Lyndsey Cattermole AM

Ms Kristal Claasz

Copyright Agency Limited

Ms Christine Courtenay AM and the late Mr Bryce Courtenay AM

Dr Joanne Daly and Dr Michael Adena*

The Lord Ebury and the late Lady Ebury

Embassy of Israel in Australia

Ms Marilyn Jessop*

F and J Ryan Foundation

Mr James Ferguson

The Hon Martin Ferguson AM

The late Lieutenant Colonel MA Fletcher JP

Mr Philip Flood AO and Mrs Carole Flood*

Ms JL Fullerton AO*

GHD Pty Ltd

The late Sir James Gobbo AC CVO

Mrs Jillian Goggs and Mr Stephen Goggs*

Mrs Rosanna Hindmarsh OAM*

Mrs Claudia Hyles OAM*

Ms Margaret Jackson AC

Ms Irene Kaspar and Mr Peter Boege*

Mr Frank Lewincamp PSM and Ms Barbara Lewincamp*

Liberty Financial

Mr Brian Long and Ms Cathy Long


Manors Gate Group Pty Ltd

The Hon Dr Brett Mason*

Mrs Janet McDonald AO and Mr Donald McDonald AC

Mr Peter McGovern AM

The late Mr Bruce Miller

Ms Penelope Moyes in memory of Judy Moyes and Peter Moyes

The late Dame Elisabeth Murdoch AC DBE

Mrs Sarah Myer and the late Mr Baillieu Myer AC

Mrs Maria Myers AC

Mr Eitan Neishlos

Professor Colin Nettelbeck FAHA and Mrs Carol Nettelbeck

Ms Sandra Nixon*

Mr John and Mrs Elizabeth Oliver*

Ms Meg Paul

Dr Fiona Powell*

Mrs Pamela Ray*

Ms Dianne Redwood and the late Mr Denis Foot*

Professor Janice Reid AC FASSA

Mrs Diana Ritch and the late Mr Jack Ritch*

The late Mr David Roche AM

The late Dr Maxine Rochester

Ms Kay Rodda*

Ms Carol Schwartz AO

The late Mrs Caroline Simpson

The late Mr Robin VF Smith

The Hon Mr James Spigelman AC KC*

Mr Howard Tanner AM

Ms Deborah Thomas

Mr Robert Thomas AO*

Trawalla Foundation

Ms Tricia Waller

Mr Patrick Walters*

Ms Alexandra Wedutenko*

The WeirAnderson Foundation

Mrs Joy Wheatley and the late Mr Norman Wheatley*

Wong Family

Zimmermann International Pty Ltd

Estate of Miss Margaret Rosaleen McGovern*

Six supporters gave anonymously at this level.

Gifts of $1,000 and above

Ms Jill Adams*

Ake Ake Fund

Alexander Fax Booksellers

Mr Scott Alison

Ms Cynthia Anderson

Mrs Margaret Anderson and Mr Bernard Hughes

Mrs Sue Andrews

Arkajon Communications Pty Ltd


Asia Bookroom

The late Ms Margaret Baggott and the late Ms Doreen Goodman

Ms Kate Baillieu*

Mr Simon Banks

Ms Lucy Bantermalis

Barry Lawrence Ruderman Antique Maps Inc

Mr Rhett Bartlett

Mr Sam Bartone and Mrs Elisabetta Bartone

Mrs Nina Bassat AM and Mr Robert Bassat

Dr David Bedford

The Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett AO SC and Dr David Bennett AC KC

Ms Baiba Berzins

Dr Udai Bhati and Mrs Shanta Bhati*

Mrs Phoebe Bischoff OAM

Ms K Blackburn and Mr S Clugston*

Professor Geoffrey Blainey AC and Mrs Ann Blainey

The Hon Neal Blewett AC*

Book Lore

Dr Emily Booker and Mr Richard Spencer*

Dr Max Bourke AM and Ms Margaret Bourke

Mr Charles Bowden*

Box Hill Historical Society*

Mr Penleigh Boyd and Ms Robyn Boyd

Mr Kevin Bradley PSM*

Mr Peter Bradley*

Ms Sarah Brasch*

Dr Judith Brett AM*

Mr Charles Bright and Mrs Primrose Bright

Mr Geoffrey Briot*

Dr Elizabeth Brouwer and Dr Michael Young

Mr HM Brown and Ms JE Brown*

Mr Nicholas Brown

The late Dr Robert Brown

Professor Mairéad Browne FALIA and Dr David Browne*

Dr Geoffrey Burkhardt FACE and Mrs Janet Burkhardt*

Ms Eve Buscombe and Ms Dawn Richardson in memory of William and Royal Buscombe*

Ms Judy Butlin*

Caiger Family

Dr Geoffrey Cains and Mrs Sarah Cains

The late Mrs Josephine Calaby

Mrs Elaine Camage and the late Mr Graeme Camage

Mr Alan Cameron AO*

Mrs Jennifer Cameron AM and Mr Barry Cameron

Mrs Judith Campbell and Mr Brian Campbell*

The Reverend Edmund Campion

Canberra Friends of Dili Inc.

Mrs Joanna Capon OAM and the late Dr Edmund Capon AM OBE

Mr Matt Carkeet*

Mr Michael Carlton

Carmelite Monastery Melbourne

Professor David Carment AM*

Dr John Carmody

Carthew Family Charity Trust*

Mr Ronald Casey and Ms Catherine Archbold*

Dr Warwick Cathro and Ms Diana Dack*

Mrs Susan Chessell and Mr David Chessell*

Mr Ben Churcher*

Dr Peter Cochrane and Dr Suzanne Rickard

Dr John Copland*

Coles Danziger Foundation

Emeritus Professor James Cotton and Mrs Fiona Cotton*

CRA International

Mr Nicholas Cowell

Professor Emeritus Dudley Creagh and Mrs Helen Creagh*

Professor Robert Cribb and Mrs Susan Cribb*

Mr Malcolm Crompton

Mrs Gloria Cumming

Ms DK Cunningham*

Mr Charles P Curran AC and Mrs Eva Curran

Ms Perri Cutten and Mr Jo Daniell

Professor Mahananda Dasgupta*

Mr Brian Davidson

Dr Barbara Dawson

Mr Terry De Martin*

Dr Michelle Deaker

The Hon Mary Delahunty

Mr Sean Dale Dengate

Mrs Margaret Dent*

The late Ms Lauraine Diggins OAM

Dr Elizabeth Lawson and Dr Robert Dingley

Mr Murray Doyle AAM*

The late Dr Sophie Ducker

Mr Ian Dudgeon and Mrs Kay Stoquart*

Dr Annie Duncan and Mr Peter Duncan AO

Ms Jane Edmanson OAM*

Emeritus Professor Meredith Edwards*

The late Hon RJ Ellicott AC KC

The late Hon Justice Rae Else-Mitchell

Mrs Margaret Eva

Ms Elizabeth Evatt AC*

Faber-Castell (Australia) Pty Ltd

Dr Suzanne Falkiner

Family History ACT

The late Mrs Pauline Fanning ISO MBE

Dr Vanessa Fanning*

Ms Eleanor Hing Fay*

Mrs Maureen Fisher*

Adjunct Professor Richard Fisher*

Emeritus Professor John Fitzgerald AM*

Mr Brian Fitzpatrick*

Mr Richard Flanagan*

Dr Juliet Flesch*

Mr King Fong OAM JP

Dr LE Foster*

Ms Patricia Fox*

Ms Morag Fraser AM*

Mr Andrew Freeman FACS

Friends of the Library, Launceston Inc.

Mr Peter Fuller in memory of the late Ms Deborah Fuller*

The late Ms Janet Galley OAM

Gandel Foundation

Mrs Helen Garner

Gaslight Books

Ms Jennifer Giles*

The late Rear Admiral James Goldrick AO CSC RAN

Mr IJ and Mrs SB Gollings*

Ms Christine Goode PSM*

Ms Michelle Grant*

Griffith 8 Book Group

Ms Linda Groom*

Mr Robert Grozier and Mrs Karen Grozier

Dr Grazia Gunn and the late Emeritus Professor Ian Donaldson FAHA FBA FRSE

Mr Roger Gyles AO KC and Mrs Alison Gyles

Mr Peter Hack*

Mr Clive Haddock

Mr Sam Hallinan and Mrs Joanne Hallinan

Mrs Isobel Hamilton

Professor Margaret Harris

Emeritus Professor Dennis Haskell AM

Mr Colin Hauff*

Mr Robert Hawes

Ms Susan K Heal*

Mr Michael Heard and Mrs Mary Heard

Mr Robert Hefner and Ms Peggy Daroesman*

Mrs Heather Henderson AM and the late Mr Peter Henderson AC

The late Dr Basil S Hetzel


The late Mr Robert Hill-Ling AO and the late Mrs Rosemary Hill-Ling OAM

Ms Sarah Hill

Hill Thalis Architecture + Urban Projects Pty Ltd*

Ms Meredith Hinchliffe AM*

Mrs Janet Hirst*

Ms Elizabeth Nelson and Dr Stephen Holt*

Mrs VM Hooker AM and Mr MB Hooker*

Ms Peggy Horn

Ms Gillian Hoysted*

The late Mrs Margaret Hughes

Hughes-Warrington Family

Emeritus Professor Andrea Hull AO

Hughston Group

Mr Gary Humphries AO*

Ms Elizabeth Hurst*

Dr Anthea Hyslop

Dr Peter Ingle and Mrs Rosemary Ingle

Inside History

Mrs Christine and Mr Don Jeffrey*

Mrs Belinda Jessup*

Mr David MH John*

The Hon Dr Gary Johns

Professor Nicholas Jose and Dr Claire Roberts

Mr Christopher Joyce*

Ms Antonia Kasunic and Mr Nicholas Craft*

Ms Joan Kennedy*

Mr Gary Kent*

The late Dr James Kerr AM

Mr Anthony Ketley and Mrs Rosemary Ketley*

Professor Rosanne Kennedy*

Mr Robert Kirby and Mrs Mem Kirby OAM*

Professor Wallace Kirsop*


The late Dame Leonie Kramer AC OBE

The Hon Justice Francois Kunc

Ms Anne Latreille

Mr Julian Leeser MP and Ms Joanna Davidson

Dr Deborah Lehmann AO and the late Dr Michael Alpers AO CSM*

Mr Andrew Ligertwood and Mrs Virginia Ligertwood

Mrs Penelope Lilley and the late Dr Frederick Lilley

Mr John Lines OAM and the late Ms Margaret Lines*

Adjunct Professor Carol Liston AO*

Ms Robin Love

Dr Mary Lush*

Dr Jan Lyall PSM and Mr Ken Lyall

The late Mr Michael Lynch and the late Ms Liz Lynch*

Mr Gregor Macaulay and Ms Ali Cromie*

Professor Charles Campbell Macknight and Mrs Lorraine Macknight

Mr John Maffey OAM*

Professor Emerita Susan Magarey AM and Professor Susan Sheridan*

Ms Roslyn Maguire

Mrs Dorothy Judith Mahony*

Mrs Helen Mainka in memory of the late Mr Bruce Mainka*

Ms Janet Manuell SC

The late Mr Robert B Mark*

Mr David Marr*

The late Ms Kathleen Marshall

RG and MG Marston

Mr Julian Martyn and Ms Linda Sproul

Sir Anthony Mason AC KBE GBM

Ms Evelyn Mason

Ms Sue Mathews

Dr Louise Mayo AM and Mr Bruce Calder

Ms Robyn Elizabeth McAdam*

Dr Conor McCarthy*

Dr Wendy McCarthy AO*

Mr Tim McCormick and Ms Vivienne Sharpe*

Ms Christine McCracken*

Dr Ken McCracken and Mrs Gillian McCracken*

Mr David McDonald*

Miss Jan McDonald

Mrs Vacharin McFadden and Mr Robert McFadden*

Ms Jann McFarlane*

Mr Douglas McGuffog

The Hon Jeannette McHugh and The Hon Mr Michael McHugh AC KC*

The late Captain Paul McKay

Ms Fiona McLeod AO SC

Mr Ronald McLeod AM*

Mr Simon McMillan*

Mr Peter McMullin AM, in memory of the late Mr Neil McLean

Dr Stephen McNamara*

Mr Chris Michalis

The late Dr Alison Adele Millerd

Ms Claire Moore

Dr Louise Moran*

The late Mr Robert B Mark*

Ms Pamela Marriott*

Ms Jane Morley*

Mr Stuart Morris

Professor Ingrid Moses AO*

Mr Paul J Munro*

National Foundation for Australian Women

Ms Jane Needham SC

The late Hon Jocelyn Newman AO

Ms Marion Newman*

Dr Bennie Ng*

The late Professor Brian O'Keeffe AO

Paperchain Bookstore

Ms Diana Pelyk

Mr Andrew Phelan AM and Mrs Monica Phelan*

Ms Eve Phillips*

The late Mrs PP Pickering

Ms Cathy Pilgrim and Mr Steven Anderson*

Mrs MC Pollard*

Mr Chester Porter KC and Mrs Jean Porter

Mr Joel Poskitt*

Lady Potter AC CMRI

Mr Richard Price

Mrs Anne Prins*

Dr Rapin Quinn and Dr Peter Quinn*

Ms Frances Rand and the late Ms Barbara Farelly

Professor Shirley Randell AO*

Ms Pamela Ray*

The late Mr WF (Bill) Refshauge

Professor Anthony Reid

The Hon Margaret Reid AO*

Mr Ian Renard AM and Mrs Diana Renard*

Professor Craig Reynolds FAHA

The late Mrs E Richardson OAM

Professor Matthew Ricketson and Ms Gillian Callister

Mr Kenneth Riordan*

Mr Ian Rischbieth*

Ms Valerie Rivers

Ms Rhyll Rivett*

Ms Jill Roberts*

Mx Jane Robertson*

The late Mr G Robinson and the late Mrs B Robinson

Mr Geoffrey Robinson and Ms Julie Burdis

Mrs Pamela Robinson and Mr NJ Robinson*

The late Professor Emerita Jill Roe AO

Professor Michael Roe

Ms Penny Rogers*

Rome Family

Ms Christine Ronalds AO SC

Mr Alan Rose AO and Mrs Helen Rose*

Ms Rosalie Rotolo-Hassan*

Royal Military College Classes of 1966, 1967 and 1968

Mr Graeme Russell*

Mr William Rutledge and Mrs Julia Rutledge*

Mrs Ann Ryan

Mrs Frances Ryckmans*

Mr Bob Santamaria

The Hon Justice Joseph Santamaria

Ms Phillipa Saraceno

Mr Henry Saxby in memory of the late Dr H Maurice Saxby AM

Ms Pat Scott, in memory of the late Mr Arthur Scott*

Dr Nick Seddon*

Mr WS Semple

Ms Tonia Shand AM

The Reverend G Shaw and Mrs J Shaw*

Mr Stephen Shelmerdine AM and Mrs Kate Shelmerdine

Mr Tony Shepherd AO

Mr Wayne Sheridan*

Mrs Florine Simon*

Ms Jane Simpson*

Dr Marian Simpson and Mr Colin Simpson*

Mrs Mary Simpson OAM and Mr Antony Simpson

Mr Lawrence Smith*

Ms Melissa Smith

Ms Wendy Smith*

Ms Jane Smyth and Mr Rick Smyth*

Dr David Solomon AM*

Mr Ezekiel Solomon AM

Mr David Spratt

Mr Paul Stanton

Mrs Helene Stead*

Associate Professor Bruce Steele AM

Ms E Stone

Mr Arnis Stonis and Ms Deborah McMillan*

Mr Anthony Stratford*

Dr Jennifer Strauss AM*

Ms Mary Stutters*

Mr Stephen Styles*

Ms Kaaren Sutcliffe and Mr Andrew Sutcliffe

Susanne Dahn Giving Fund*

Mr Doug Sutherland AM

Mr Robin Syme AM and Mrs Rosemary Syme*

The late Jack Taylor and the late Jess Taylor

The late Ms Felicity Teague and the late Peter Druce

Mr Grahame Thom*

Mr Arnold Thomas

Mrs Angela Thorn and the late Mr Bill Thorn

Associate Professor Gerald Thurnwald AM*

Dr Bernadette Tobin AO and Mr Terence Tobin KC

Ms Daniela Torsh*

Mr Paul Tracey*

Mrs Geraldine Triffitt*

Professor Trent Twomey

Dr Hugh Tyndale-Biscoe AM*

Mr John Uhrig AC and Mrs Shirley Uhrig

Mr Charles Ulm and Dr Jacqui Strecker*

Mrs Valda Ulm and the late Mr John Ulm

The late Ms Elaine van Kempen

The late Mr Frank van Straten AM

Mr John Vines*

The late Mr Gerald Walsh MA

Mr Richard Wardman*

Ms Lucille Warth

Dr Jill Waterhouse*

Mr Sam Weiss and Mrs Judy Weiss

The late Mr Lou Westende OAM

Ms Helen White and Mr Bob Richardson

The late Ms Linda White

Dr Peter White

Ms Wendy Whitham*

Dr Brendan Whyte and Mrs Suthida Whyte

Mr Doug Wickens and Mrs Betty Wickens

Dr IS Wilkey*

Emeritus Professor David Williams AM

Ms Helen Rodda Williams AC*

Mrs Lyn Williams AM

Ms B Willoughby-Thomas*

Ms Peta Winzar

Ms Susan Wishart

In memory of the late Mr John Withell

Dr Susan-Mary Withycombe, in memory of the late Reverend Canon Dr Robert Withycombe*

Mr Greg Wood and Mrs Marie Wood

Dr Malcolm Wood and Ms Ruth Wood

Dr Peter Wyllie Johnston

Dr Linda Young*

Estate of HC Coombs

Estate of the late Ms Helen Woodger

One hundred and fifteen supporters gave anonymously at this level.

Dr Marion Amies*

Mrs Phoebe Bischoff OAM

The late Mrs Josephine Calaby

Dr RL Cope PSM

The late Mr Victor Crittenden OAM

The late Ms Lauraine Diggins OAM

The late Lady Ebury

Mr Andrew Freeman FACS

Ms JL Fullerton AO*

Griffith 8 Book Group

Mrs Claudia Hyles OAM*

Emeritus Professor Joyce Kirk and Dr Terry Kirk*

Dr Jan Lyall PSM

Mrs Vacharin McFadden and Mr Robert McFadden*

Mr Peter McGovern AM

Mrs Glennis Moss and the late Dr Kenneth Moss AM

Mr John and Mrs Libby Oliver*

The late Mrs PP Pickering

Emeritus Professor Alan Robson AO and Mrs Gwenda Robson

Ms Kay Rodda*

Rotru Investments Pty Ltd for Mrs Eve Mahlab AO and the late Mr Frank Mahlab

Mrs Angela Thorn and the late Mr Bill Thorn

Mrs Valda Ulm and the late Mr John Ulm

Ms Lucille Warth

The National Library thanks the many generous individuals and organisations who have contributed material to the Library’s collection.

*An asterisk beside names in the lists above indicates those Patrons who donated during the 2023-24 financial year.

Page published: 26 Nov 2024

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