Leave a gift in your will
What your legacy could be
There are many ways to leave a gift to the Library in your will and we would love to have a conversation with you about what works best for you and your family.
You might wish to save precious collections for future generations, support the creation of new scholarly and creative work, or support improved public access to our cultural heritage, among other options.
Bequests to the Library can help to:
- broaden our collections
- increase access to collections on Trove through digitisation
- fund fellowships and scholarships
- preserve physical collections
- build education and research programs
- create exhibition and event programs
- realise publications
- support capital works and building projects.
Bequests, like the Library itself, are for the long term.
We welcome and support any suggestion by those generous enough to entrust us with a gift in their will as to how that gift be used. To ensure that the Library can fulfil your wishes, we invite you to have a conversation with us.
If you wish to entrust the Library with a financial gift in your will, without specifying what you would like it to go towards, you can be assured that it will be of benefit to all Australians.
Whatever you choose, we want to ensure that we honour your legacy in keeping with your wishes.
Hazel de Berg Circle
The Hazel de Berg Circle is a program designed to formally thank and recognise those who include in their will a gift to the National Library. It is named after the pioneer of Australian recorded oral history, Hazel de Berg MBE (1913–1984), whose recordings are the foundation of the Library’s Oral History Collection.
Hazel de Berg Circle
We are delighted to welcome our bequest donors to join the Hazel de Berg Circle. Members of the Hazel de Berg Circle will enjoy unique opportunities to engage with the Library staff and collections, and are acknowledged for their support in the following ways:
- invitations to Hazel de Berg Circle member-only events
- recognition in the Library’s annual report
- recognition on the Honour Wall at the Library once a gift has been received.
This is our way of acknowledging and remembering your contribution. You are welcome to access all, some or none of the benefits available, and we very much respect the wishes of those who would prefer that their support should remain private.
You can read more about the Hazel de Berg Circle, it’s members and the impact of bequests to the Library in our 2022 Hazel de Berg Circle brochure (PDF, 5.07MB).
To ensure that we can meet your bequest intentions and offer you the benefits of the Hazel de Berg Circle, at any stage in your decision-making, please contact us for a confidential discussion.
How to include the Library in your will
The Library is grateful for all gifts, of all sizes, and we are honoured that you are considering including a gift to the Library in your will.
Including a gift in your will is an important decision, which is why we encourage you to speak with your loved ones about your intentions.
If you decide to include a gift in your will, this information will help you along the way.
The decision to leave a gift to the Library is yours and we are extremely grateful for whatever you consider to be appropriate. Regarding the type of bequest, we recommend a residual gift in your will. This type of gift looks after your family and loved ones first, pays your debts and then whatever is left over is gifted to the Library.
Yes. If the specific items are intended for the Library’s collection then please contact us to confirm we can accept them.
If there is a specific item of personal property that you wish for us to sell to fund the work of the Library, then you need to specify in your will that you give the Library permission to sell the item to fund the work of the Library.
The National Library is registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient, which means donations made during your lifetime are tax deductible. Gifts in wills are exempt from Capital Gains Tax, but the estate may not claim a tax deduction for the gift.
The Library is honoured to have the trust and support of people like you. Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference and is greatly appreciated.
Yes. We do accept gifts for specific use. To ensure your wishes are met, we invite you to contact us to discuss your intentions. Otherwise, we prefer unspecified gifts, so that the Library can invest the gift in the area of most need at the time it is received.
Yes. The Library encourages you to seek independent legal advice before including us in your will.
It is extremely important that you discuss with your family and loved ones your decision to leave a gift in your will. This will help ensure your wishes are carried out.
No. The Library cannot act as an executor for your estate. You can choose your bank, solicitor, friends or relatives. You should select between one and four people who will be able to ensure that your wishes are carried out.
We encourage you to inform the Library of your decision, so that we can thank you and ensure that your wishes can be met.
How you write a gift into your will depends on what kind of gift you wish to leave and whether you want it to be unrestricted or specific.
An unrestricted gift means that your gift can be used for the Library’s priority needs at its discretion. A specific gift means that you set requirements that the Library will need to meet so that the gift can be accepted.
Below are some suggested words you can use to leave an unrestricted gift to the Library in your will:
Leaving us the residue/a percentage/a specific amount of your estate
‘I give [proportion of estate or dollar amount or the residue of my estate] free of all taxes to the National Library of Australia, Parkes, in the Australian Capital Territory, for its use and benefit absolutely.’
Leaving us an asset
‘I give [clearly describe item, work of art, manuscript etc.] free of all taxes to the National Library of Australia, Parkes, in the Australian Capital Territory, for its use and benefit absolutely.’
Leaving us an asset and the residue/a percentage/a specific amount of your estate
‘I give [proportion of estate or dollar amount or residue of my estate or clearly described item] to [names of primary beneficiaries] but if [all primary beneficiaries] predecease me, then to the National Library of Australia, Parkes, in the Australian Capital Territory. This gift to the Library will be free of all taxes.’
Specific gift wording
For specific gifts, we are happy to discuss with you the wording to include in your will to ensure that your gift can be fulfilled.
The Library is grateful for all gifts, of all sizes, and we are honoured that you are considering including a gift to the Library in your will.
Including a gift in your will is an important decision, which is why we encourage you to speak with your loved ones about your intentions.
If you decide to include a gift in your will, this short guide will explain what needs to be done to make your wishes clear.
Making a will can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. This step-by-step process will help you along the way.
Step 1: Speak to your family and loved ones
This is a personal decision for you to make, but we recommend letting your loved ones know that you are planning to leave the National Library of Australia a gift in your will.
Step 2: Decide what kind of gift to leave
There are four main ways to make a gift in your will to the Library.
There are four main ways to make a gift in your will to the Library.
1. A residual bequest
You can make a gift of the residue (or remainder), or a percentage of the residue, of your estate once specific gifts and expenses have been taken care of.
2. A percentage of your estate
You can leave a percentage of your estate to the Library. The amount you gift will be contingent upon the value of your estate.
3. A specified amount
You can make a specific bequest by simply stating the dollar amount in your will that you wish to leave to the Library.
4. An asset
You may wish to make a gift of a specific asset, for example real estate, shares or bonds.
If you wish to donate items to the Library’s collection, or have a specific use for your gift in mind, please contact us so that we can confirm whether we can accept the item(s) and/or terms of the gift.
Step 3: Choose your executor
You should select between one and four people who will be able to ensure your wishes are carried out. You can choose your bank, solicitor, friends or relatives. The Library cannot act as an executor for your estate. For further advice you can speak with your solicitor or get in touch with your local public trustee.
Step 4: Get the help of a professional
Your will is an important legal document, and a solicitor or public trustee can help you ensure that your paperwork is in order and presented in the right way. The cost of seeing a solicitor varies depending on who you see, however it is a small price to pay for the reassurance that your wishes will be carried out.
Step 5: Making your will
Your will must be in writing (handwritten, printed or typed) and include specific wording. It must be signed and dated on every page. Your signature must be witnessed by two people who are not named as beneficiaries of your estate. They both need to sign their own name on every page of your will. Your solicitor will be able to assist you with this.
Step 6: Keep your will in a safe place
Store your will in a safe place and let your executor know where it’s stored. You can lodge it with a bank in a ‘safe custody’ envelope or with a solicitor. You may want to send a copy to major beneficiaries, family members and your executor. Be sure to keep a copy for yourself.