C-D | National Library of Australia (NLA)



Collection guide
Callen Collection

Photographs of Australian steamships, nine paintings and an unpublished manuscript 'Dictionary of Australian steamships' by Terence Callen.

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Collection guide
Cameron Collection

Papers related to Clyde Cameron's long political career, and 12 oral history recordings conducted by Cameron with other political figures.

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Collection guide
Carmona Collection

Books and pamphlets relating to Portuguese colonies in Africa and Asia, mostly published in Portugal or the colonies from 1840-1950.

Collection guide
Black and white photo of three men on a tractor, one driving and the other two sitting at the back

Jeff Carter, Planting out, Ovens Valley, 1955, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-148667470

Carter Collection

Photographs by Jeff Carter of Australian life dating from the 1950s onwards, plus oral history recordings with about 40 individuals living in rural towns or properties.

Collection guide
1904 camera

Harold Cazneaux's first camera, 1904, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-141166704

Harold Cazneaux (1878–1953) was perhaps Australia's best-known photographer of the early twentieth century. He purchased this camera in 1904, shortly after moving from Adelaide to Sydney, and made photographs of Sydney's streets and waterways.

In 1909 he became the first Australian photographer to exhibit his works in a solo show.

Cazneaux was a master of the pictorialist style of photography, using soft focus to capture scenes that were - and remain - familiar to many Australians in a new light. He was able to find a timeless, extraordinary beauty in the everyday.

Cazneaux collection

A large collection of glass negatives, papers and photographs dating mostly from 1904 to 1940 depicting many aspects of Australian life and architecture.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Chaplin Collection

Collections of papers from several significant Australian authors collected by Harry Chaplin.

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Collection guide
Charles Collection

Small collection of books, pamphlets, catalogues and serials on angling ranging from the 17th to the 20th century collected by Gilbert Charles.

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Collection guide
Chinnery Collection

Papers, maps and a large collection of photographs related to Papua New Guinea mainly from the period 1910-1940.

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Collection guide
Claasz Collection

Papers, books, pamphlets, maps and ephemera about Ceylon, with an emphasis on the tea industry, collected by Manfred Claasz.

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Collection guide
Manning and Dymphna Clark Collection

Papers and photographs related to Clark's life and work as an Australian historian of renown.

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Collection guide
Clifford Collection

Over 10,000 volumes and 1500 pamphlets in English, Latin, French, Italian, German and Spanish, with particular strength in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Coedès Collection

Books, pamphlets, reprints and single issues of serials, mainly in French, relating to the ancient history, archaeology and culture of Southeast Asia.

Collection guide
A rock sculpture with 2 figures

Yves Coffin, Coffin collection of photographs of Bali, Cham, Javanese, Khmer and Thai art, architecture and sculpture, (196?), nla.gov.au/nla.obj-140366892

Coffin Collection

Featuring over 4,700 photographs of ancient art and architecture across Southeast Asia is the Coffin Collection. Captured between 1955 and 1972 by Yves Coffin, this collection highlights Khmer monuments at Angkor, Cham sculptures, and Thai temples, alongside the art of Java and Bali. A valuable visual record of Southeast Asia's rich cultural heritage.

Collection guide
An antique world map titled 'General Chart' showing the discoveries made by Captain James Cook during his voyages.

Lieut Henry Roberts, A general chart exhibiting the discoveries made by Capt. James Cook in this and his two preceding voyages, 1789, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-230604992

James Cook and his voyages

Our James Cook collection showcases the Library’s most famous item - Cook’s HMS Endeavour journal.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Cooper Theosophy Collection

Around 4,000 books and serials on theosophy, Indian philosophy, comparative religion and related topics.

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Collection guide
Cowlishaw Collection

1809 books and serials, published in Australia, Europe and America, relating to gardening, horticulture, botany and agriculture.

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Collection guide
L.F. Crisp Collection

Over 6000 books, pamphlets and journals mainly related to Australian history and politics, as well as personal papers and a significant number of British and American imprints.

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Collection guide
Sir Peter Crisp Collection

696 books and pamphlets relating to freshwater fishing mostly from Britain, as well as many from Australia, New Zealand and America.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Crome Collection

The Crome Collection includes papers, photographs, ephemera, aero-philatelic material, objects, books and pamphlets relating to Australian aviation collected by Ernest Alfred Crome.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Cross Collection

Around 6500 books, 160 serial titles and 918 reprints of individual articles in the subject areas of patristic studies, liturgy, canon law, Biblical studies, church history, biography, cathedrals and other religions.

Collection guide


Collection guide
Dalrymple Collection

Charts, plans, coastal views, letters, books, pamphlets and books relating to Alexander Dalrymple.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Davey Collection

Papers and oral history recordings conducted by Gwenda Davey on Australian folklore, with an emphasis on children's folklore.

Collection guide
A woman sitting talking to a man while using a recorder.

David Moore, Portrait of Hazel de Berg interviewing physicist Professor Harry Messel, 1972, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-138001621

De Berg Collection

1290 recordings of interviews and readings from many of Australia's poets, artists, writers, composers, actors, academics, publishers, librarians, scientists, anthropologists, public servants and some politicians

Collection guide
Collection guide
De Salis Collection

Family papers and about 1600 books of the De Salis family from 1850-1920. Covering a broad range of subjects, including classics, religion, history, politics, literature, science, art, and children's books, reflecting the families intellectual interests.

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Collection guide
De Vesci Collection

Country house library collection of 1648 books and 54 serials with strength in English and French publications of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

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Collection guide
Deakin Collection

Large collection of personal papers covering Alfred Deakin's extensive political career, plus photographs, memorabilia and other published works by and about Deakin.

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Collection guide
Deane Collection

70 original pencil, pen, ink, charcoal and wash caricatures and cartoons, mostly of federal politicians between 1915-1925, assembled by Percy Deane. 

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Collection guide
Divall Collection

Music scores and music related material created or collected by the composer, conductor and musicologist Richard Divall.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Drovers Oral History Collection

122 interviews, mostly with retired drovers, recorded by Bruce Simpson and Bill Gammage between 2000 and 2006. 

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Collection guide
Dryer Collection

2286 titles, mainly monographs but also including manuscripts and music material about the history of Ireland and Australia.

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Collection guide
Duncan-Hughes Collection

About 6200 books about European literature, history and culture, mostly published in the period 1880-1960. 

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Collection guide
Durand Collection

About 4000 books, mostly published in France in the 19th and early 20th century, as well as a number of German, Italian, Latin and Greek books.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Dutch Pamphlet Collections

Two collections of pamphlets published in the Netherlands from 1567-1852 dealing with political, diplomatic, military and legal matters, and the administration of the Batavian Republic.

Collection guide
Page published: 12 Nov 2024

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