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A painting of an Indian bullock cart being drawn by two white oxen with large, curved horns. A man dressed in red sits on the front of the cart guiding the oxen, while another man in traditional attire is seated comfortably under a domed canopy in the back of the cart. The backdrop features a muted evening sky with distant mountains, adding to the serene and regal atmosphere of the scene.

 Augustus Earle, A bullock hackery or cow coach of India, 1829, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-134513680

Earle Collection

168 original paintings and drawings by Augustus Earle.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Malcolm Ellis Collection

About 500 books, pamphlets, reports, leaflets, circulars, reprints and transcripts, mostly published 1920-1950, relating to communism, the labour movement and international politics. About half are Australian.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Peter Ellis Collection

80 oral history interviews with musicians, dancers and others, and recordings of songs and performances, as well as sheet music, imprints and personal papers.

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Collection guide
Ellison Collection

Personal papers of Norman Ellison, pictures, books and other other manuscripts relating to aviation and early aviators. 

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Collection guide
Fahey Collection

Personal papers of Warren Fahey’s activities as an entrepreneur, musician and writer from 1967-1998 and a collection of folkloric recordings.

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Collection guide
Fainsod Collection

Around 400 Slavic monographs, 700 pamphlets on the economics and politics of Europe from the 1930s-1970s, and miscellaneous Harvard University departmental reports and academic papers.

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Collection guide
Fang Collection

Around 6000 titles focusing on Chinese history, especially the Qing dynasty (1644-1911) and the 20th century, as well as biography, art, archaeology, literature and philosophy.

Collection guide
A black and white drawing depicting a very large crowed of people inside an ornate building watching a parade of people and flags entering the building.

Papers of Sir Anthony Musgrave, Microform, nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn668402

Federation of Australia

A comprehensive collection of original records of the Federation movement plus books, pictures, music and other material related to Federation.

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Collection guide
Ferguson Collection

Over 32,000 items, including rare books, pamphlets, maps, and ephemera, covering topics such as Oceania, transport, and literature. Compiled by Sir John Alexander Ferguson, it is a key resource for Australian history and bibliography.

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Collection guide
Munro Ferguson Collection

Papers of Munro Ferguson, dating from 1914 to 1920, that form one of the finest personal archives of an Australian governor-general. They consist largely of correspondence with the King, generals, politicians, judges and state governors, plus speeches and diaries.

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Collection guide
Fitzhardinge Collection

About 300 books including incunabula and early editions of classical texts, plus limited edition reprints of celebrated English writers, mostly published in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.

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Collection guide
Flynn Collection

About 1750 musical scores comprising general musical arrangements by Flynn, and also both printed and manuscript orchestral and vocal scores, scripts and parts arranged for Radio 3GB.

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Collection guide
Forster Collection

911 water colours by Adam Forster of Australian flowers, painted between 1916 and 1927.

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Collection guide
French plays 1700-1840

2457 plays published in France between 1701 and 1840. They include tragedies, comedies, historical dramas, vaudevilles, comic operas and operas.

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Collection guide
French Revolutionary Pamphlet Collection

Explore how the 'Age of Pamphlets' ignited a fervor for free expression during the French Revolution, transforming the streets of Paris into a battleground of ideas - until fear turned the tide.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Friend Collection

Explore the artistic legacy and complex history of Donald Friend through diaries, letters, and personal papers. 

Collection guide
Page published: 12 Nov 2024

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