First World War: Finding a soldier | National Library of Australia (NLA)

First World War: Finding a soldier

Official records relating to individual soldiers are available at the National Archives of Australia and the Australian War Memorial.

If you are looking for a soldier, there are many published resources at the National Library that may assist you.

Catalogue search tips

To find biographies of individual soldiers, use the name of the soldier as a catalogue keyword search, for example:

There are also many collective biographies available, including of soldiers from the same area. Use the geographic area or the more general name of the conflict as in the following examples:

Many volumes of the collected letters of both individual soldiers and soldiers from particular areas have also been published. These can be found by using either individual names, or geographic areas:

'How to' guides

There have been a number of guides published to tracing individual soldiers. The following are on open access in the Newspapers and Microforms Reading Room.

Unit histories and official diaries

Unit histories and official diaries can provide useful information on the movement of a unit and a soldier within that unit.

There are also growing collections of unit histories available online. The State Library of Victoria is progressively digitising Victorian unit histories in its collection. The Australian War Memorial has a very useful guide called Researching the history of a unit and is progressively digitising its collection of Australian Imperial Force WWI diaries.

Medals and awards

Many soldiers received awards for their bravery and service in the war.

The London gazette contains of names of Australians who were granted honours and awards in the First World War and is available online.

The Australian War Memorial has a useful guide called Researching a person which outlines how to find details of honours and awards presented to Australians while on active service with Australian forces. It also includes references where the recommendation and award can be found in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette as well as the London gazette.

The following printed works name Australian Army recipients of gallantry and distinguished service awards made during the First World War, together with the recommendations for the awards:

A useful case study on finding a military honour or award in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette can be found in our Research Guide: Government gazettes.

To find out what awards have been issued from the Australian and Imperial honours and awards systems from the Boer War to the present day check Defence Honours and Awards.

Soldier settlers

On their return from war, many soldiers leased farming land and became soldier settlers.

To find published works held by the National Library use the keywords ‘soldier settlers’ or search by subject in the catalogue. Useful subject headings include:

The following websites also contain useful information on the scheme and access to records:

Featured resource

ANZAC memorial

The ANZAC memorial was compiled to commemorate those soldiers who fought and died in the Great War. Various editions were published in different states. It includes photographs of those soldiers killed, a roll of honour, accounts of action undertaken and soldiers stories.

cover of ANZAC memorial photo album

A. G Stephens & Will Donald & Returned Soldiers Association of New South Wales & Returned Sailors' and Soldiers' Imperial League of Australia, (1916), Anzac memorial,

A. G Stephens & Will Donald & Returned Soldiers Association of New South Wales & Returned Sailors' and Soldiers' Imperial League of Australia, (1916), Anzac memorial,

Biographical databases

A number of databases containing biographical information relating to Australians and others who fought in the First World War are available at the National Library. These include Ancestry and FindmyPast which can be accessed onsite at the National Library. Search our eResources for others.

Our Biography research guide is a general guide to finding biographical information.

Finding a soldier's grave

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission cares for the graves of those soldiers of the Commonwealth who died in World War I. Their website allows searching of individual soldiers' graves across the more than 23,000 memorials and cemeteries they care for.

The War Graves Photographic Project provides photographs of war graves or memorials.

Australians in World War I is a detailed guide to researching individual soldiers, created by the State Library of Victoria.

Australian newspapers

Newspapers can provide a rich source of biographical information. Many Australian national, regional and local newspapers are available online on Trove. Other Australian and overseas newspapers from this period may be held at the National Library in print or microform. Check the online catalogue.

Biographical information contained in newspapers can include photographs, details of military actions undertaken and medals awarded.

newspaper clipping about a Gundagai soldier decorated in World War 1

'GUNDAGAI SOLDIER DECORATED', The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser, 31 December 1918,

'GUNDAGAI SOLDIER DECORATED', The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser, 31 December 1918,

Related websites

The National Archives of Australia holds the records of service of members of the Australian defence forces in the First World War. A useful guide to these records is available on their website.

The Australian War Memorial provides access to the WWI Nominal Roll, WWI Embarkation Roll and the WWI Roll of Honour as well as other useful biographical resources.

Page published: 17 Jan 2024

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