Australian companies: Further resources | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Australian companies: Further resources

Key websites

Other library and archival resources

Significant collections of materials relating to Australian companies can be found in other libraries and archives.

  • Noel Butlin Archives
    Extensive collection of business records from Australian companies.
  • Guide to Australian Business Records
    Provides information on the location of collections of records relating to Australian business and business people.
  • Trove
    Also provides information on other library and archival holdings of book and non-book materials
Black and white photo of men in the Sydney Stock Exchange, 1960

John A Tanner & Australian News and Information Bureau, Sydney Stock Exchange, New South Wales 1960,

John A Tanner & Australian News and Information Bureau, Sydney Stock Exchange, New South Wales 1960,

Glossary of terms

What is the difference between a bear market and a bull market? Check the Glossary on the ASX website for concise and accurate definitions.

Other library guides

Corporations law

The Corporations Act 2001 is the body of law that governs companies in Australia at federal and interstate level.

Page published: 12 Jan 2024

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