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Collection guide
Sakakibara Collection

About 2600 books, mostly in Japanese including military works, biographies of the Japanese Royal Family and leading figures in Japan and Western countries, Chinese and Japanese classics and more.

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Sang Ye Collection

Around 186 Chinese newspapers and serials, mostly published 1949-84, plus a small number of government documents of the 1969–77 period, monographs, pamphlets, mimeographed works, and some works published during the Japanese occupation of China.

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Sargent Collection

1066 Japanese books, nearly all published in the twentieth century. They mostly relate to Japanese literature and include a large number of novels and also poetry, plays, essays, biographies of writers, literary history and critical works.

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Schuster Collection

Recordings of folk songs and dance music from Queensland and also stories, legends and recollections of customs and immigrant settlement, particularly German and Scandinavian in rural Queensland.

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Scott Collection

Recordings of folk music, dance music, folklore and oral history from New South Wales and Queensland recorded during the period 1955-1990.

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Sculthorpe Collection

Personal papers, manuscript scores, literary manuscripts, sound recordings and family photographs of Peter Sculthorpe, plus videos of films for which he wrote the music and television interviews.

Collection guide
Black and white photo from inside the National Bank head office. 2 ornate staircases in the middle of the image surrounded by white pillars and desks.

Wolfgang Sievers, Interior of National Bank head office, Collins Street, Melbourne, 1941, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-143527488

Sievers Collection

Wolfgang Sievers' remarkable legacy with about 19,000 prints and 52,000 negatives and transparencies captured from 1938 to 1991. His work offers an extraordinary glimpse into Australian architecture, mining, and industry. 

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Simon Collection

3300 books and serial issues in a range of languages relating to Asian and European literature, politics, history, religion and more. 

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Sitsky Collection

A comprehensive collection of manuscript pencil scores, drafts of compositions, and fair copies of Sitsky's music dating from 1958 onwards.

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Snell Collection

About 15,500 items of sheet music and about 700 music albums from the late eighteenth century to the 1980s, as well as the personal papers of Snell.

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South Pacific Commission

The microfilm collection includes 78 manuscripts copied by the South Pacific Commission, created by missionaries, anthropologists, and linguists between 1900 and 1956. 

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Collection guide
State Theatre Collection

12,569 music scores which were used in Australian cinemas in the silent film era.

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Stead Collection

Papers of Christina Stead including diaries, manuscripts of her works, correspondence, personal documents, cuttings and photographs as well as papers of her biographers.

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Collection guide
Stephens Collection

Manuscripts of poems and stories and letters from over 70 writers that Stephens assembled in the years in which he was editing the ‘Red Page’ of the Bulletin and later the Bookfellow.

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pencil drawing a young male artist leaning over a canvas painting an active scene

William Strutt, Atelier Drolling, Paris, 184-, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-134769037

Strutt Collection

About 280 paintings and drawings by William Strutt dating from 1837-1900, produced in France, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and England, as well as 2 typescripts of stories by Strutt.

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Collection guide
Sturgess Collection

108 oral history interviews recorded by Sturgess between 1976 and 1986 while writing his two books and working on various ABC productions.

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Collection guide
Symphony Australia Collection

Discover the Symphony Australia Collection, featuring unpublished music by Australian composers from 1910 to 1970, including Alfred Hill, Peter Sculthorpe, and Margaret Sutherland. With chamber, choral, orchestral, and vocal pieces, as well as works from the colonial era and Eugene Goossens, this collection, donated in 2001, is a key resource in Australian music history.

Collection guide


Collection guide
Tancock Collection

About 3000 books and pamphlets, mostly published in Britain, the majority on astronomy but also some works on geology, physics and chemistry, as well as a small group of Tanock's personal papers.

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Tarala Collection

431 books, mostly Russian works published in countries other than the Soviet Union, including China, the United States, and Australia, in the years after 1917.

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Arnold Thomas Collection

Ephemera, such as souvenir programs, match day cards and flyers, and over 1000 photographs, documenting the history of boxing in Australia from the 1870s to the 1990s. 

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Bronwyn Thomas Collection

Extensive personal papers and about 200 books and serials mostly relating to Chinese art but also including some works on Chinese history, language and literature and reprints of early travels. 

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Tilghman Collection

About 260 books and pamphlets on American history, as well as papers of the Woodriff family and Tilghman, including about 380 of Tilghman's photographs of the Northern Territory 1925-1927 and Queensland 1931-1933.

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Tobing Collection

About 600 books with particular strength in anthropology, sociology and linguistics and largely related to Indonesia, and most are in Dutch, Indonesian, German or English.

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Tooley Collection

1277 charts and maps dating from the 16th to the late 19th centuries, including maps of the Pacific and New Zealand as well as Australia.

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Collection guide
Tregellas Collection

About 10,000 stereoscopic view cards produced by both commercial and amateur photographers in all parts of the world and a significant collection of photographic equipment and some books and journals on photography.

Collection guide
Page published: 12 Nov 2024

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