Overseas newspapers research guide | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Overseas newspapers research guide

Our overseas newspaper collections include digitised historic and modern newspapers accessible online, as well as newspapers in microform and paper formats.

What we collect

We collect:

  • Overseas newspapers. We have the largest collection of overseas newspapers in Australia. Our newspaper collections from Asia and the Pacific region are particularly strong.
  • Online versions of overseas newspapers through major full-text databases, such as the Times Digital Archive, PressReader, ProQuest Recent Newspapers and Newsbank Access Global. These are available to registered users of the Library via our eResources. You can access these databases by visiting the eResources portal and searching for them under the Browse eResources tab.

Accessing newspapers

Onsite use - print

Current issues of selected English-language overseas print newspapers are made openly available in the Newspapers and Family History zone of the Main Reading Room. Recent previous issues are shelved in our closed access newspapers collection and are available by placing a request through the catalogue.

print and microfilm jakarta post

The Jakarta Post, nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn2219069

Onsite use - microfilm

Unlike our microfilmed Australian newspapers, there are no microfilmed overseas newspapers available on open access within the Newspapers and Family History zone.

Closed access - print and microfilm

Besides the current issues of selected titles, no overseas newspaper titles or dates are held in the reading room. You will need to search the Library catalogue to check for holdings and to request available items from our closed newspaper stacks.

To request material from the newspaper stacks, you must be registered as a Library Reader.

Both print and microfilm newspapers will normally be delivered to the Newspapers and Family History zone within 45 minutes unless they are stored offsite. Login to the catalogue and view your list of requested items or ask our staff at the Newspapers and Family History zone Information Desk to check for delivered material.

Offsite storage

All the Library’s holdings of print overseas newspapers published before January 2011 are housed offsite. They are not available for immediate access but can be requested for delivery to the Newspapers and Family History zone.

Delivery times for items held offsite are available at: Collection delivery service.

Accessing newspapers from outside the Library

Although print and microfilmed newspapers in the Library's collection can only be used in the Newspapers and Family History zone, access to many overseas newspapers in digital format is provided to registered Library users via eResources.


Our eResources portal currently provides listings to 37 overseas Newspapers & Media subscription digital resources, as well as freely accessible websites. Some subscriptions resources are only available for use within the Library but others can be accessed from home or work by Australian residents who are registered readers of the Library. These can be identified in eResources by the use of the 'key' symbol and include:

  • British Library Newspapers
  • Irish Newspaper Archive
  • ProQuest Recent Newspapers
  • Matichon e Library
  • PressReader provides access to over 1000 newspapers from more than 80 countries. Coverage is provided for the last 3 months only.
  • Newsbank: Access Global is a collection of over 11,000 full-text newspapers from over 170 countries

You can access these databases by visiting eResources and searching for the title under the Browse eResources tab. To browse our newspapers and media eResources, first select the Browse eResources tab, then click the Newspapers and Media button on the left in the category menu.

There are also some databases that you can only access at the Library.

Please visit eResources for more information and to view the full list of available databases.

Some free online international newspaper resources

The following is a selection of international websites which provide free access to search and view historical newspaper resources.

overseas online newspapers Gallica
overseas online newspapers Zefys
overseas online newspapers Papers Past
overseas online newspapers delpher
overseas newspaper chronicling america
overseas online chronicling google news archive

The Library holds indexes, both general and specific, to a large number of overseas newspapers.

General indexes may list the broad range of topics reported on whilst specific indexes may just include references to people, e.g.:

You can find out if the Library holds an index in its collection by conducting a search of the catalogue using the newspaper title and the word 'index'.


All overseas newspaper titles physically held by the Library are listed on the Library's catalogue. This includes newspaper indexes.

There are four basic search techniques by which you can locate newspapers through the catalogue. These are:

1. Search by exact title

Use this search technique when the exact newspaper or journal title is known.

For example, if searching for the New Zealand Herald, this is what you would do:

  • Visit the Catalogue
  • Type the exact newspaper title new zealand herald in the search box
  • Select Title using the drop down down arrow in the All fields box
  • Click on the Search button

2. Search by keyword(s) in title

Use this search technique when the exact newspaper title is not known or only some of the words are known.

For example, if searching for the Indonesian publication Berita Buana and the only remembered word was Berita, this is what you would do:

  • Visit the Catalogue
  • Type in Berita in the search box
  • Select the Title field using the drop down down arrow in the All Fields box
  • Click on the Search button

3. Search by geographic location

Use this search technique when searching for newspapers from a particular area and you don't know any titles.

For example, if searching for Jakarta newspapers, this is what you would do:

  • Visit the Catalogue
  • Type jakarta newspapers in the search box
  • Select Subject using the drop down arrow in the All fields box
  • Click on the Search button

4. Search by call number

This technique saves time when you are regularly requesting the same item.

For example, if searching for The Bangkok Times in microfilm format, this is what you would do:

  • Visit the Catalogue
  • Type in the exact call number in the search box (remember to put a space between the call number prefix and the number: mfm X 922 for The Bangkok Times)
  • Select Call Number using the drop down arrow in the All fields box
  • Click on the Search button
Call numbers

Overseas newspapers in the Library's collection are categorised and stored according to format. You can identify if the overseas newspaper you have located in our catalogue is the print or microfilm version by the following Call Number prefixes:

  • X = Print overseas newspaper title
  • mfm X = Microfilmed overseas newspaper title
  • mc X = overseas newspaper title on microfiche

Some examples are:

Newspapers on a photocopier

The Newspapers and Family History zone has microfilm and microfiche reader-scanners and printers plus a multi-function device incorporating printer, photocopier and scanner.

Multifunction copier and scanner

We allow you to:

  • photocopy articles or pages from loose issues of recent print newspapers
  • scan and save to USB articles or pages from loose issues of current print newspapers
  • photograph (using your own device or our digital camera) articles or pages from loose or bound newspapers
  • scan and print articles or pages from microfilmed newspapers
  • scan and save to USB articles or pages from microfilmed newspapers
  • scan, save and e-mail articles or pages from microfilmed newspapers
  • print articles or pages from digital newspapers
  • save to USB articles or pages from digital newspapers
  • save and email articles or pages from digital newspapers
  • request photographic images of articles, pages or illustrations from our newspapers

You are not permitted to photocopy articles or pages from bound volumes


If you intend to copy an entire issue of a newspaper, you must observe the Copyright Act 1968. See: Copyright in Library collections

There are signs giving details near all the reader-printers and the photocopiers.


Charges apply for all copying, however, self-service scanning and photography is free.

For self-service copying charges, see: Print, copy, scan.

Costs for requested copying can be viewed at: Buy copies.

Copying tips

Visit Copies Direct to learn about costs and delivery and if you need help placing an order.

For items that are in copyright we can generally copy one chapter or 10% for research and private use.

Cover the Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism

Laurel Brake & Marysa Demoor & Margaret Beetham & John Wood & Cheryl Law & British Library. (2009). Dictionary of nineteenth-century journalism in Great Britain and Ireland / general editors: Laurel Brake & Marysa Demoor ; associate editors: Margaret Beetham [and twelve others] ; assisted by John Wood and Cheryl Law. Gent, Belgium : London : Academia Press ; The British Library, nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn6344322

Featured resource

Dictionary of nineteenth-century journalism in Great Britain and Ireland is a large scale reference work covering the journalism industry in nineteenth century Britain which includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Want to buy an original newspaper?

The Library does not sell original materials from its collections.

However, if you are seeking to purchase an original issue of a newspaper, then we suggest that you:

  • enquire at a second-hand or antiquarian bookstore
  • contact PaperWorld, which deals specifically in original newspapers
  • search eBay.
Page published: 17 Mar 2025

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