Captain Cook's Endeavour Journal
You can still read the journal by:
- viewing the digitised manuscript copy of the journal online
- viewing the facsimile copy of the journal in the Library's Main Reading Room open access reference collection
- requesting the microfilm copy of the original manuscript to view in the Library's Newspapers and Family History zone.
Our archived Treasures from the National Library website has further information on the journal and how it came into the Library's collection.
Our archived South Seas website also features the journal, and is a rich online resource on European voyaging and cross-cultural encounters in the Pacific between 1760 and 1800.

Cook, James, 1728-1779 & Hutchinson, John & Wallis, Samuel, 1728-1795 & Bolckow, Henry William Ferdinand, 1806-1878. (1768). Journal of H.M.S. Endeeavour, 1768-1771 [manuscript],
Cook, James, 1728-1779 & Hutchinson, John & Wallis, Samuel, 1728-1795 & Bolckow, Henry William Ferdinand, 1806-1878. (1768). Journal of H.M.S. Endeeavour, 1768-1771 [manuscript],