Where to find government policies on homelessness
You may find the following sites useful:
- The Australian Government Department of Social Services website provides links to several government strategies relating to homelessness. The Department also provides links to related agencies & sites, including state and territory government housing sites, housing industry sites, and homelessness related sites.
- The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare homelessness services page provides links to reports and other publications.
The publication Australia’s homeless youth : a report of the National Youth Commission into youth homelessness is also available online (PDF, 1886KB). The report includes details of Federal and State government responses to homelessness.
You can also browse items found under the subject terms 'homelessness Australia' in the Library's online catalogue.
If you are unable to visit the Library, Trove can help you find and get items at libraries near you.

J.A. Mulligan, Unidentified man making up bed at St. Vincent de Paul Society's Matthew Talbot Hostel for Homeless Men, Woolloomooloo,11 May 1970, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-145242229
J.A. Mulligan, Unidentified man making up bed at St. Vincent de Paul Society's Matthew Talbot Hostel for Homeless Men, Woolloomooloo,11 May 1970, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-145242229