Where to find information on Australian law and legislation
A great place to start are the Library's research guides on Australian legislation and Law reports and court records.
You can also find a range of freely available Australian legal sites, as well as onsite resources available inside the National Library building by visiting our eResources portal. Click on the Browse eResources tab and then select Law under the Law & Politics category.
The Federal Register of Legislation is maintained by the Office of Parliamentary Council and contains the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments.
Australasian Legal Information Institute (Austlii) provides access to Australian primary and secondary legal information. It contains most full text legislation and court decisions.
Information on Australian Commonwealth and state legislation held in Australian libraries can be found on GovPubs: the Australian Government Publications Guide (please note that GovPubs is no longer maintained).

F.A.C., Law courts Melbourne between 1870-1902, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-146721354
F.A.C., Law courts Melbourne between 1870-1902, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-146721354